Operational tempo: Slow

in voilk •  3 months ago


    I don't know why but I can't seem to sustain the same operational tempo as I used to back in the day, not for extended periods of time anyway. Oh hang on, I know why, I'm getting older. Fucking fuckety fuckballs, getting older sucks!

    Ok not really; I don't mind time passing or getting older at all, that's what a human is supposed to do, but for sure working as hard as I do fatigues me more than ever before and leaves me looking for the weekends, they're like islands of solace in the river raging torrent that my life usually is and I value them greatly; I need them.

    I've been pushing the limits of my (not insignificant) physical and emotional endurance lately and decided I'd better slow down a little which I am doing this weekend.

    I've already spent some time in my hammock taking advantage of the temperate autumn weather and have read a little of my book and watched a couple of movies, the most notable of which is Ex Machina which, if you have not seen it you really should. I also watched, The Last of the Mohicans, also a powerful movie, and have one other planned for the weekend - bonus points if you can guess what it is (hint, it's a war movie).

    The basic idea is to not work as I often do on the weekends, not think about work, not mention work (although I have already mentioned it a few times in this post) and basically flip work the fucken finger and give it a big fuck off for the entire weekend...before work claims me again on Monday as it inevitably will. I have a dinner to attend but the rest of the weekend is mine and my operational tempos will be slow.

    As with most of my free time I've had music playing in the background and figured I'd share some of what I've been listening to over the weekend because why not right? So here's three.

    Promontory - The end - It goes on

    There's no obligation for you to listen to the tracks I list, I like them but you may think they're shit as is your right however if you decide to take a listen feel free to let me know what you think and, of course, I encourage you to share a track or two that you're listening to this weekend as well - I'm always scoping for new music to listen to.

    I hope y'all have a great weekend planned and one that aligns with your needs be it fast-paced and exciting or slow and nurturing like mine. No matter what, feel free to comment below, tell me about your weekend or share a track or two.

    Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

    [Original and AI free]
    Image(s) in this post are my own

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