in voilk •  5 months ago

    The first night of Jamiat Ahl Hadith Gada conference was successfully concluded





    Alhamdulillah, it is the infinite grace and favor of Allah, Lord Dhul-Jalal, that the first night of the two-day grand conference organized by District Jamiat Ahl Hadith Gada on 17th and 18th February in the very wide and wide field of Lalmtia (Lalghatwa) exceeded expectations. It was successful. The people had already known that the speech of the famous and outstanding speaker of the world of Islam, Fazila Sheikh Mr. Maulana Muhammad Jurjis Sahib Al-Saraji, will be held on the second night of the conference, i.e., February 18. People participating in the meeting and listening to all the speakers with equal attention is a proof of the deep attachment and true love of the people of the Jamaat and Jamaat for the Book and Sunnah. There were many times more people outside the venue than the number of people sitting in the venue and listening intently. Since the arena is very spacious and the space is long and wide, people were sitting everywhere and most of the people were standing listening. Thus, the real success of any meeting is when people listen to the statements of the preachers and speakers and follow them. However, listening to the meeting is also not without rewards and benefits. Anything will be acted upon only when it is heard. Who will be more deprived and unlucky than the one who does not try to listen to the scholars and speakers. Masha Allah, the people remained frozen till the last speech of the conference. There was a separate arrangement for women, but their number was so large that many women were forced to sit outside their pandals due to lack of space in their pandals. Therefore, looking at their crowd, the women's venue will be expanded on the second night of the conference, i.e. today. Since the beloved and beloved speaker of the people Maulana Jurjis Sahib will be speaking today, he will reach by twelve o'clock (day), apart from him, the rest of the sermons will also be today, so naturally the crowd will increase many times today. Keeping this in mind, the arrangements will be made better today, Allah willing.




    If you want more information about related Lalmatia conferance than watch thisVideo

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