Clean Planet Activities for today 21/3/2023

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Good evening ladies and gentlemen, hope your day went as planned? Mine didn't went well as a get unexpected weakness of the body and had to leave everything that am doing in other to rest. At first, i woke up sound and did my house chores. Done with that, i went to see my niece so that we can go to the farm as planned. We actually went to uprote cassavas to process Garry.

    While in the farm, i started feeling tired. My eyes turning me as if i will fall down. I had to come back house. When i get to the house, it became more serious to the point that i can't hold my phone. All my body shaking. I slept for hours before i could regain some strength to take my bath.

    The farm land

    Once i finished taking my bath, I went to assist in pealing the cassavas.

    While pealing the cassavas, i had to pause a little to carry out my cleaning exercise. Because of my body statue's, i didn't go far rather i had to carry out the cleaning work within my environment. Their is farm land or garden around my house, so i had to pick those nylons and plastics to prevent them entering the farm. Because they're are harmful to the soil.

    See you again tomorrow with another cleaning post. Right now am pealing cassavas, will be sending Garry to some of my friends here once it's been processed


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