Being abusive is a present trend!

in voilk •  5 days ago

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    Story 1: "I can't do it lol"

    Once there was a young boy who used to enjoy abusing. If he uttered a word, he used **** after and before it. It is not that he loved to abuse others. It was his nature to use those kind words. I used to think he might be deliberate to abuse others but I noticed that he goes with the same language even with his family members.😭 He was totally unaware of the fact. One day I asked him about it. He totally ignored the fact "I can't do" one day I gave him a proof with recording. Dang!

    Story 2: "It provides Vitamin C"

    A boy in the playground replied that it provides him with vitamin C when he was aksed why he was using such language. We were playing volleyball. There were people of all ages. Being irritated, an elderly person asked him that question after hearing such kind of abusive words from him. The reply from young boy made the elderly person shocked and walked him off the filed in the very next match. Pathetic!

    There are a lot of them but no more story for now.

    It has become a present trend:

    Now-a-days, it is very common among young people to use abusive language specially in friend-circle. Being a drunk, abusing each other is a common phenomena among friends. Abusing in front of a carrom board is very common phenomenon in school or college. Those youg boys grow up with abusive tone in mouth. People might think I can't control it whenever or whereever is necesy.. I will say "lo". It can't be controlled. You may have beleive in you but when you are in anger, your actual tone must come out and you will unwillingly show true you.

    Etire society abuses:

    People who are yong now abuse much and they grow up oneday but their nature do not change and thus the entire society practises abusing making it a inseparable part of everybody's identity. If everybody floats in the same boat, what is the shame then! 😂

    Name a few abusers:

    Bosses in sales and marcketing is a pro abuser.

    A Userer is an abuser.If you lend money , you too in an abuser. People don't paid intrest or amount on time, you abuse.

    A jobless person is also an abuser. He abuse system and sometime himself.

    And finally if you don't love this content of mine, you may also an abuser.


    Practising such languages over a long period of time makes you habitual to it. It becomes an inseparable part of you. It may create a bad impression to people you meet. It can damage your professional career. People may use abusive language personally but he they always love to work with polite and mannerd ones.

    Being polite and mannerd cost us nothing.

    Thanks for reading

    Regards: @th4488 My discord

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