Amazing Wins In Call Of Duty Game

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hi HIVE GAMING friends

    The Call of Duty game is my favorite game at the moment and I can even spend 2 hours a day playing this game.

    However, I only like playing in Multi Player Game mode, in this multi player mode I have to fight 5 VS 5 with other teams in 1 room, and the winner is the team that reaches the 50 kill target first.

    Before playing the game, first I replaced several new weapons that I had obtained after calming down a lot of wars in the previous game. What I replaced now was a pistol and also a special weapon in the form of a killer helicopter which can be launched after making several kills in the game. and for my main weapon I still use a sniper because I like fighting from a distance.

    As soon as I entered the room, I was now given my favorite room called Crossfire, after being introduced to my team and the enemy team which had a red light on its shoulders, the game started immediately.

    Because I was using a Sniper, I immediately entered a building to shoot several enemies who had started fighting with my team, here I managed to kill several enemies.

    Then I moved to the second floor of the building so that the enemy could not easily detect it, because on the game screen the enemy would be shown who killed them and the position of the killer.

    On the 2nd floor I also managed to shoot several enemies, here I could shoot more freely because I could see the enemies more clearly, I could even shoot an enemy sniper below.

    Because the enemy team we faced was very strong, our team experienced defeat and I was forced to replace the Sniper weapon with ASM 10, I now chose to fight at close range with the enemy, now I managed to kill many enemies until our team became even more superior.

    And when I started activating the killer helicopter using a tablet, more and more enemies were killed, making the kills for our team increase even more.

    I also advanced to the enemy's base to shoot them up close, here many of the enemies were killed by me. Until finally I ran out of ammo for this ASM 10 weapon, I immediately aimed for the dead enemy's weapon.

    Here I really fought at close range and continued to shoot every enemy in front of me, and when the battle became more exciting, finally our team managed to reach the target of 50 kills first, which made us successful in winning this war.

    The MVP in this War is myself with the name aquagelas1. I am very satisfied playing this game with a solid and great team.

    Call Of Duty is the most exciting mobile game I'm playing at the moment. If you like war games, you can try this game.

    This is my first post in the HIVE GAMING community, if there are still shortcomings and errors in my post, I really hope that my friends and seniors here will continue to guide me so that I can continue to develop in this great community.

    Note: All the images above are screenshots from my personal Samsung Galaxy A33 Smartphone

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