Marasmius haematocephalus

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Latin NameObservation dateLocation
    Marasmius haematocephalus25-11-2024Central Aceh Regency, Aceh, Indonesia

    When I explored the river bank, I found another maroon windmill which was a beautiful mushroom plant with an extraordinarily beautiful shape. This fungus grows from the tip of a small stem. In general, this type of mushroom is difficult to find in various places where it grows easily, so I feel lucky to have been able to find and capture several photos of it. The size of this type of mushroom is also very small and has a little length, so it is very suitable if I use an additional lens when photographing it, and this mushroom looks clearer like the picture I have prepared.

    Okay hiver friends, that's a short story that I can share on this occasion. Hopefully hiver friends like it and this photo will be the most beautiful photo when you see it, I hope my post can entertain you all. Thank you very much for the support you provide. I hope you have a great day until we meet again in the next post.

    The following is a display of the images that I have prepared

    NOTE: I wrote it in Indonesian with the help of Google Translate into English.

    Camera usedSmartphone
    Iso speedISO
    Focal lengthMM
    PhotographyMarasmius haematocephalus
    LocationAceh Indonesia

    Link to originalcommunity
    Latitude LongitudeMap

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