Happiness, a journey or destination? Prompt 40

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Happy Independence Ghana! Happy weekend to everyone. I don't want to let it go without sharing my perspective on happiness. Thank you all.

    Happiness is a universal pursuit, but what does it truly mean? Is it a destination or a journey? Explore different perspectives on happiness

    Happiness is a state of being extremely happy, experiencing feelings of joy and contentment.


    However, happiness can mean different and can also be interpreted from various perspectives and understandings.

    Is happiness a destination or a journey?

    Whenever there is a journey, there must be a destination. We all have different perspectives on our destinations.

    Therefore, my perspective on happiness is seen as follows👇👇👇

    Many people view Happiness as a destination to some individuals, it is a goal to strive towards and achieve. The rate at which people see happiness, they believe when you possess success, wealth, or any other possessions that's when they will finally be happy. You can possess all the possessions you desire in this life and still not be happy.


    Also, many people view happiness as a journey. This perspective can be viewed as a result of self-discovery, personal growth, and finding contentment in the present moment. This broadens the importance of inner peace and thankfulness towards a lasting sense of happiness. Those people in this category understand that happiness is not a destination but rather a continuous effort to find joy and fulfillment in everyday pursuits.

    However, Some people or individuals believe that happiness is a combination of both a destination and a journey. Recognizing the importance of setting goals and working towards them are two different things entirely. A goal set as a to-do list is not complete without pursuit.

    In conclusion, happiness is personal, depending on individual values, beliefs, and experiences. While some may see it as a destination to be achieved through external factors, others may view it as a journey of contentment and finding inner peace.

    Regardless of how happiness is understood by many, it is a universal pursuit that plays a vital role in shaping our lives and motivating us to seek fulfillment and well-being.

    Acknowledging the significance of finding happiness in the present moment, regardless of external circumstances and situations around makes us fulfilled as a person or individual.

    Being happy at all costs is a universal pursuit one can give to him/herself in this world of today not minding the ugly situations around.

    We teachers, like to say HAPPINESS IS FREE even when the government, parents, and society neglect us, we must find ways to make ourselves happy.

    When you are happy as a person, you are fulfilled!

    A happy mind is like medicine but a sorrowful mind is like a death.

    All images are sourced.

    My participation in hive-ghana weekly prompt 40.

    Thank you for reading my blog. I love you all💕💕

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