Weekend Commitment Topics: WEEK 199. A lifetime

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello to everyone in this beautiful community! First time I write to you, it is a pleasure to greet you and to be able to participate in the challenge Weekend Engagement Themes: WEEK 199 , answering the proposed questions.


    If you had only one thing on your mind right now, what would it be?

    What I have in mind is, Travel even if
    I am aware that my children are already grown up, but I can't give myself that luxury, because there is not enough money, not even for the ticket, the home economy takes everything that is produced, only that stops me, the lack of money, but the desire is there, at any moment my dreams will crystallize.


    Tenacity - Do you have it?
    Yes, I have been tenacious in my life, I have achieved most of the goals I have set, I have two university careers and a postgraduate degree, the second of my careers I studied at the National Open University, there studies who really wants to study, because the responsibility in education falls totally and absolutely on the student.
    absolutely on the student. At the university they gave us the support material, which consisted of printed study modules and we had to plan and organize the time to achieve the objectives that we proposed, we prepared ourselves to do the evaluation activities, whether they were developmental or objective. That is the modality of this house of studies, its modality is open and distance, currently has audiovisual material, virtual classrooms or other variety of technological support.
    I think this is the best proof of tenacity I have ever had, it took me 7 years to complete my degree, fighting to pass subject by subject, but I made it.


    Explain how you have changed in the last twenty years, how, why and how that change has affected your life using examples. Remember to use your own photos.

    Like all human beings, our life evolves, has grown, has developed and in many cases I have achieved some of my goals, for example 20 years ago I had a job that I loved and enjoyed, I practiced swimming which for me, was the most pleasant thing in the world, but my country began to go downhill and my quality of life was deteriorating, plus I met and passed my retirement time, I had to retire at 25 years of service and I did it at 32, but I do not regret it, it was rewarding. Twenty years ago I had neither my current husband, nor my twin sons, who are my driving force to do a thousand things at once, besides accompanying them in everything I can, now I also have 2 grandchildren, who take me off my axis, every time they can.

    If I analyze, I have kept friends from more than 30 years ago, but the number has been growing at the moment I have my friends from the dance therapy and the spectacular women I met in the adult catechesis, who are sisters that life gave me and the numbers continue to grow. I also tell you that I have traveled and met beautiful countries and cities, I have learned a lot of things and I have put them into practice which has increased my productivity and I have realized that I have immense potential.


    What was the worst punishment you received from your parents? What was it, why did it happen and how did you learn (or not learn) from it?
    I have always been a friend and when I was between 14 and 15 years old and I was invited to my friends' 15th birthday parties, my dad would take me at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, as if it was a party for little kids. Well, I would finish frying the tequeños, setting the tables, arranging the tables with the arrangements that go on the tables, helping grandma to get dressed, helping the quinceañera to put on her clothes, in short.... After I worked too much, the party finally started and before 9 o'clock at night, my dad was looking for me at the party, the quinceañera came out to ask permission for me, the quinceañera's father came out to ask permission for me, the quinceañera's mother, the quinceañera's grandmother and my dad would say no, you are going home, because you already went to the party, that's the truth. ... I could not take the first boy to dance, my dad would arrive and they would tell me: "Look, they are looking for you at the door", so what more punishment than that?
    This happened because my father did not like me to be out of the house, much less at a party and much less with boys, jealousy attacked him, he flatly refused to accept that both my sister and I had grown up. In the long run, what that taught me was that I had to pull my brothers, so that they would accompany me, and that way my dad would be calmer, especially my brother, the closest one to me, I would tell him little brother, come with me and at the party we did not know each other, but he would just accompany me and with that my dad would be calm. I learned that you have to enjoy every moment to the fullest, whether it is your turn to make tequeños, or to dance, the important thing is the affection, love, companionship, joy, optimism, brotherhood, that you can share in every moment of the story of your life.


    Thank you very much for visiting my publication and it is always a pleasure to read your comments and suggestions, thank you very much!

    📸 photograph taken by @damelysh.
    📓 translation by Traductor de DeepL
    🌄 photo and banners edited in Canva

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