A weekend trip...

in voilk •  4 months ago


    I had planned this trip since two weeks ago when my sister called to inform me of some good news. Initially, I knew I would travel for something important I needed to do at Ilorin, but just waiting for the right time to go. I didn't want to have a double trip, especially with the way things are so expensive including transport; my mouth went wide open when the amount was told to me this morning, I was shocked because I didn't expect such an outrageous amount with just over 3 hours journey, hehehe.

    My sister had sent some money home to our aunt to get some meals prepared. Aside my sister and I, Dad and one of our uncles were also told to come home because my sister had something urgent to discuss with them. It is good news and she wanted some members of the family to be seated while sharing the news with them as it is a way to honour and give respect to them.

    On Friday which was yesterday, before school closed for the day, I had gone to get permission from the Vice principal to book some time off next week as I wouldn't be around at my place of work. I told them of my trip for an urgent assignment and thankfully, I was permitted to go which meant I would be absent from work for a week while joining them the following week. The school hasn't closed for the term yet as that would be on the 5th of April while resumption is on the 29th of the same month.

    Getting home yesterday, I went to inform my pastor about my travelling so that they would be aware of it instead of not telling them about it. I do this to respect them since we are living in the same building and it is through the family I got my apartment, aside from that, they are like my parents and I should let them know of my movement. The pastor and his wife prayed for me before I left their place. I got back into my room and began tidying up things including arranging a few clothes and things to take with me.

    This trip would be a short one as I would be travelling to Lagos for another important task before returning to my base. I have decided to do my assignment here in this town before I leave which will happen next Monday, then take off to Lagos the following day. Transport fare is expensive but I don't have a choice but to go for it because this is a trip I shouldn't or mustn't miss.

    I got home first before the others, followed by my Dad, my uncle and his son and then our big sister who is the reason for the meetup. I enjoyed the solid meal (Semovita and Vegetables mixed with melon and some assorted meats, garnished with cow's skin and fish) It was as if I had left home for a decade. The meal was so delicious.

    Right now, the meeting will begin later and I decided to make a post before I am carried away with other things which could make me unable to write a post again. By Monday, I will be going for my task and getting some necessary things done so that in the end, I would be happy doing them.

    The image belongs to me

    Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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