Taking the role

in voilk •  4 months ago


    We were walking the dog when we saw it!

    How on earth did we forgot about this?

    We were discussing the whole week that it is coming and now that it is here, we had forgotten it! If we had taken a different route for our walk we would have missed it for sure!

    Are you wondering what I am talking about?

    But the biggest fair in town, that happens once a year, a few meters away from our home!

    Fortunately this year lasts not two (as usual) but three days, so even if we lost the first day (it was late at night when we finally saw it) there are two more days to enjoy it :)



    We stopped by at noon today (we are so close after all), before it gets too crowded, to take a first stroll, check things out and of course, take a few pictures!

    The diversity of the goods on the stalls is chaotic, for one more time. From toys, to hardware tools and from cloths and linen, to cosmetics and jewellery, there is something for everyone.

    That is without mentioning the countless kinds of pastry, the barbecued meat and many more sweet and savoury delicacies!







    The sneer on the old lady's face, watching the happening from her balcony, shows a bit of disapproval or maybe displeasure.

    I wonder why.

    I am sure that she have seen many fairs from that balcony and maybe she finds it less satisfactory than other ones.

    Or maybe she just wanted to have a siesta and the noise spoiled it for her :)

    As for the flag waving next to her, we are having a national holiday tomorrow and a lot of people use to put a flag in front of their home to honour the occasion!




    If you follow my blog for some time, you would have noticed that I don't usually take pictures of people. It is not that I avoid them but I find other subjects to be more interesting.

    Nevertheless, I do enjoy once in a while, to take the role of the street photographer and document the life of my fellow citizens.

    Especially in events like this one :)




    As @traisto and myself are a little over a year living here, this is the second time to attend this fair. Last year we had just moved in and it was kind of a welcome party in the town!

    A pretty grandiose and loud one, I might add :)

    I wrote this post last year, if you care to make a comparison to my photographic approach or to my writing. I think that both are quite different!

    But it is already dark outside and maybe we'll go take a second look at it. And judging from the people passing in front of our window, it would be much more crowded and busy now :)




    The camera that I used is a Canon EOS 6D mark II with an EF 24-105mm f4L lens attached. I edited the photographs in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic

    All the pictures and the words are mine.

    Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

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