[La salida y la llegada]
Ahora unas imágenes capturadas por el camino:
[Trabajador de la Ciudad en su labor cotidiana de limpieza]
A esta hora, me crucé con numerosos trabajadores de limpieza públicos y privados, que realizaban su labor con escobas o cepillos y mangueras, también encontré caminantes, corredores en bicicleta y a pie, solos y acompañados de sus perros.
Cuando pasé por la plaza que lleva su nombre, le tome esta foto, pero ignoro que estaba buscando esta anciana tan bien conservada, que continúa teniendo millones de seguidores en el mundo.
A pocos metros está una parada de bicicletas de alquiler dispuestas por la administración de la ciudad, para el disfrute y transporte ecológico de habitantes y visitantes.
Una alternativa que le puede interesar a mi amigo @palabras1, la próxima vez que venga a la capital.
Cruzando la esquina tenemos otra plaza, Plaza Clemente, frente al Mercado de Pulgas, ambos lugares se merecen una publicación por separado. Y frente a la plaza, los estudios de un canal de televisión, me parece bastante grande e importante, en frente sobre la calzada se aprecia un enlosado, como imitando una vía ferrata o un tramo de película cinematográfica, que resume en hitos la historia del barrio Colegiales.
Los estudios televisivos y la señora que los mira al doblar la esquina, no sé por qué, pero me trajeron a la mente a @mamaemigrante, me encantaría invitarla a dar una vuelta por el barrio que luce cientos de letreros con el siguiente texto: Distrito Audiovisual.
[Mexicana, tal vez expreso el dicho nombre de este lugar]
Cumplida mi cita con la salud y la escritura, es hora de ver que hacemos con los jabones.
Solo espero que fuera de su agrado acompañarme, mañana Dios mediante, tomaré otra ruta y veremos que encuentro.
Feliz día.
Day 2, walking and counting
First date of the year with the walk on an empty stomach.
Coffee and protein breakfast, while the photos are loaded into the system.
[@dulce.crucita says goodbye to me while the elevator arrives]
The other door is the one that connects to the stairs and it occurs to me that one day I can go down them. Going up will be a feat, which today seems like climbing Aconcagua, but if I persist, I will try before the end of autumn.
[Departure and arrival]
Now some images captured along the way:
[City worker in his daily cleaning work]
At this time, I came across numerous public and private cleaning workers, who were doing their job with brooms or brushes and hoses, I also found walkers, cyclists and runners on foot, alone and accompanied by their dogs.
When I passed by the square that bears her name, I took this photo, but I don't know that I was looking for this well-preserved old woman, who continues to have millions of followers around the world.
A few meters away there is a rental bike stop provided by the city administration, for the enjoyment and ecological transportation of residents and visitors. An alternative that may interest my friend @palabras1, the next time he comes to the capital.
Across the corner we have another square, Plaza Clemente, in front of the Flea Market, both places deserve a separate post. And in front of the square, the studios of a television channel, it seems quite large and important to me, in front on the road you can see a paving, as if imitating a via ferrata or a section of a film, which summarizes in milestones the history of the Colegiales neighborhood.
The television studios and the lady who looks at them from around the corner, I don't know why, but they brought to mind @mamaemigrante, I would love to invite her to take a walk around the neighborhood that sports hundreds of signs with the following text: Audiovisual District.
[Mexican, perhaps I express the aforementioned name of this place]
Having fulfilled my appointment with health and writing, it's time to see what we do with the soaps. I just hope that you would like to accompany me. Tomorrow, God willing, I will take another route and we will see what I find.
Have a nice day.