Don't Compromise Your Health!!!

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    When it comes to our health, it’s not something that we can ever really have a roundabout knowledge of simply because we learn more about our bodies every day. And the older we get, the more we discover about ourselves. We notice patterns and routines and know the kind of things that will happen when we do certain things.

    People just don’t wake up and decide to be allergic to things. They probably took it at one time and realized that it didn’t agree with their bodies. In such a manner, a lot of the things we do when it comes to our health are usually trial by error. By this, I’m not talking about the doctors and hospitals, I’m just talking about our day-to-day living and its impacts on our health.


    Every day we drink and eat things that could have a major impact on our health, and we take part in activities that could make us fall sick. After all, it wasn’t long ago when I shared the story of how the excess heat caused me to sleep bare-chested almost directly under a fan for an entire night, and it made me sick.

    From time to time, we make dumb decisions and as we learn from our mistakes and move on with life, we realize that we know more now than we did before. And that’s what sets us apart from other species on Earth.


    For me, when it comes to health tips, I have just one that I learned from my Mom. She always told me that when it came to my health, I was never to compromise. No matter what. At all times, I was to get the best health care I could afford and I had to be really careful not to use my own money to buy that which would either kill me or make me sick.

    This might look like a no-brainer, but you’ll be surprised how selfish some people can be when it comes to their own health. When buying drugs, they’ll want to spend as little as possible even though they can afford way more than that. And then, not just with drugs, but even with food as well. Sometimes, I wonder if certain people will happily eat poison just because it’s cheaper than food.


    The thing is, if the money isn’t available, then it’s understandable. But it can’t ever be understandable when you have the money but refuse to spend it on your own well-being. Gadgets would get spoilt in the house and they would refuse to fix it, even though it’s dangerous to continue using it. Just like one of my neighbors in my former lodge where I used to stay during my ND. They had one gas cylinder that was defective and when they used it to cook, they always had to stand guard and watch it because once the burner became too hot, the gas would begin to leak out and the flames would start acting crazy.

    It was crazy indeed and really dangerous, but they kept on managing, even knowing how risky it was. One explosion could kill or permanently maim whoever was cooking at the time, but none of all that mattered to them. As long as they could keep “managing” it, then they were perfectly fine.


    I know that things are expensive right now, but that doesn’t mean that one should put their lives in danger as a result. When better days do come, only the living and the healthy shall enjoy it. If you don’t take care of your health now, you might not get to see those better days, or you just might see them through the stained glass window of a hospital room.

    Never compromise on your health. If you can afford it, go on regular checkups, and try to be as clean as possible. The little things you have to do or not do to keep you in top shape, please do them all. It’s for your own good. Because whether you like it or not, that money you’re not willing to spend right now, you might be forced to spend it later on when your body breaks down.


    We need this. We need to take a more active interest in our bodies. Just because we wake up every day doesn’t mean everything is fine and dandy. The little we have to do to stay healthy must be done. Of course, nothing is guaranteed. You can do everything and still end up sick. But then, you’ll know for a fact that it was not because of your choices.

    We need to do better.


    Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

    This post is inspired by the second topic of this week which is One Health Tip. Feel free to try it out.

    N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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