An Update On My Objectives 2024 Painting

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Objectives 2024 Painting.png

    Remember the start of this painting?

    On New Years Eve, I sat down with my boyfriend to discuss our goals for 2024 and we discussed growth on personal as well as business level and stuff like that. I thought it would be a fun idea to write some of these words on the blank canvas and then later paint something on top so that the intentions for this painting were set. This is actually something I learned from one of @llunasoul's painting videos last year. Thank you for that my friend!

    If you're curious about the post, here is a link, although nothing special because you can simply see the words I painted on the canvas. Of course some words are just a very short version of what we discussed but the most important thing is that we are heading the same way and we have the same thoughts on where our focus needs to be.

    No plan for the painting

    I had no plan for the painting yet, I decided to leave it in the room to look at it, read the words over and over again and eventually, at least I hoped, the inspiration would come. It took a bit of time, I think I painted it in February with one extra day in between to try and cover the words fully, which I later skipped because suddenly I saw the painting come to life in my head.

    The sides still need attention

    I thought I was not done yet so I stopped without painting the sides of the canvas but the more I looked at the painting while it was drying in my bedroom, the more I felt connected to it. In fact, when I look at it now, I feel proud and feel that I should not touch it anymore. With the sides as an exception though but I think I may solve that by framing it so it may be not needed. This painting is one for us anyway so no need for a perfect side as long as I find a frame, that is.


    A sneak peak

    As I have not managed to get the painting on picture properly, the light was always either too much or too little or the angle where I took the picture was off, therefore I feel it's not as good on picture as it is in real life and I don't want to tell the whole story about where my thoughts were while painting just yet. I'm so proud about what I created that I wanted to share a few close up shots though and this collage above.
    I hope you like what you see...


    Personal journey

    I can tell that the painting not only focusses on the future goals but also letting go of past struggles to help us focus on the future. It was very enlightening to create it and even though I can't say that it's been a part of the reason that things have been going much smoother but it surely has been therapeutic, which is good!

    Finding the perfect frame

    Now it's time to find the perfect frame, this weekend we will go to the flea market again and I'm hoping that I can check that off my list after going there because I really want to hang this painting up. I'm no professional artist or followed any certain rules in terms of technique but I'm very happy how it turned out and I can't wait to admire it on the wall rather than how it's now standing on a little closet collecting dust, lol.

    I hope you enjoyed this little sneak peak, I hope soon I have the perfect picture where I can show you the colours as they truly appear and with the perfect frame of course. Once it's time, I will share more about the story.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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