Reconnecting with friends

in voilk •  3 months ago

    There's this joy that comes with reconnecting with old friends, one that gives you this feeling that sometimes is just unexplainable.

    Photo by Scott Warman

    Back in the day when I used to live in the ghetto with my family, I had three best friends who we always moved around together and did everything together. I was the eldest amongst them and I remember how my dad would always mock me for playing with kids younger than I was because he wanted me to play with kids my age or older, but what he didn't know back then was that I had chosen those guys as my friends because at the time, they were the only kids who weren't into something bad or immoral.

    Anyways, myself and the boys played together for years until the year 2015 when mmy family moved out of the ghetto. I tried to stay in contact with them and would occasionally visit them just to say hi but that didn't last long, I soon found myself slowly growing apart from them and it didn't take long for me to stop visiting entirely.

    About two years later, I decided that its been far too long that I last saw the boys and decided to visit the area and possibly reconnect and get their contacts, but unfortunately when I got there, I realized that they had all moved out of the area with their family, that was when I realized that the friend group was indeed over.

    Well, nine years later after we moved away from that old house in the ghetto, I received a call two days ago that didn't just bring joy to my face but also brought a lot of memories. One of my long lost friend had called me, he had ran into my brother by mistake at the market and had immediately asked him for my number.

    According to my friend, himself and the boys had reconnected some few years ago and they all had been busy, trying to get my number but couldn't find anyone who had it. He immediately gave the rest of the guys my number and within five minutes, I saw myself reconnecting with the whole group, it was a mixture of both happiness, happy memories and just pure joy for me.

    Sadly, they all are in lagos while I stay very far away in a completely different state, but that wouldn't be much of a problem for me because the moment I'm done here, I'm traveling down there to go be them. I miss my boys and I just can't wait to be with them.

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