Three-day Division Training for Billiards | One of the Peaks of my Working Journey

in voilk •  5 months ago

    February 22-24, 2024 was the Training Cum Refresher and Solidarity Program for Coaches and Technical Officials of the 2024 Cebu Provincial Sports and Cultural Festival. This was a division training for Billiards Secondary as our winning event during the District Meet in our municipal. The said conference happens every after three years. I was so blessed and honored as I was chosen as one of the participants in the refresher course. Never in my entire working journey to been chosen to be a coach in billiards as I was not into it. Yet, now I'm starting to love it and embrace this journey for the betterment of my athletes and our beloved school.

    This was taken after our first day of training

    So, let me share with you our three-day training on billiards in the Southern part of Cebu, San Fernando!

    San Fernando is 122 kilometers away from home so I asked permission from our esteemed principal that I will be preparing my things and plan how will I get to San Fernando. My husband wanted to accompany me since it's unclear if we have accommodations but I'm determined enough that there's room for us to sleep.


    True enough, they have prepared some bedding for us to be comfortable to relax and sleep. From time to time, I also update my husband since it's our first time having been away for three days. How much more is this upcoming provincial meet? Good luck! Haha.


    Anyway, I arrived at Sangat Central School, San Fernando (the venue for the training) at 5:47 in the morning. I still have ample time to relax and fix myself before undergoing a rough day.

    Let the journey begin!





    The training started at exactly 8:00 in the morning. The host school whose Principal is Mrs. Angelie Guangco, arrived early to prepare and made everything possible with the help of her teachers as well. They accommodated more than twenty attendees from different municipalities. So thankful to Ma'am Angelie for everything and welcoming us with warm smiles. To our, Tournament Manager, Mr. Ernesto Estrelloso who gave some insights and the matrix for the rest of the 3 days. Together with the Officiating Officials, Technical Officials, and the Division Nurse who was present this day.


    Before our Tournament Manager started his discussion, he conducted a Pre-test, if we had prior knowledge about billiards. Imagine, this was my first time and it's hard for me to answer these "easy" questions for them. Yet, I've been given my best shot to answer however Sir Ernesto chose not to reveal the answer key and the scores, too.



    Sir Ernesto showed us the origin of Billiards and its brief history through PowerPoint. According to history, it started in France, and it was called billiards because of its small ball known as "billiard". After that, he continued to discuss the Rules of 8 balls. There are a few things to remember about this game most especially its rules. Among those games, 8 balls is the most crucial of all.



    Next, Sir Alex Basalo, Assistant TM, who was the champion of the coaches category last Provincial Meet, explained the Rules of 9 balls. He swiftly discussed that it only took 30 minutes. And so, Sir Ernesto took some additional input and asked us questions. Taught us the parts of playing cues as well as the table. Several of the terms were new to me.

    On the second day...




    Our TM discussed the Ground Rules and other rules that will have modifications if we find something relevant to the event. After everything settled, he proceeded to the Pairing of athletes. There is a certain way how to find the opponent with no bias, that is through paper picking on a bowl. It's either your athlete would play the first round or "bye"(play the second round), as for me, my two athletes will play 8 and 9 balls and gladly, they're waiting for the second round. Nevertheless, they should practice more even their bye.




    In the afternoon, we have a demonstration of how to play billiards. Most of the boys were into it, however, girls were just watching waiting for confirmation if we could. But we're not exempted, we have to try also.





    And here I am! Trying the pool with courage. I'm starting to love it since it's a "chill" game. All we have to do is to focus, analyze, and execute its basic hand formation.

    “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”

    ― Aristotle

    And that, I learned in just a short period of time. Never close your door for an opportunity that knocks once.

    Third day...



    All smiles for our last day at Sangat Central School. Plus our newfound friends in this journey. I didn't expect that I could make new friends just like them.


    As our closing program commenced, our TM, ATM, Officiating Officials, Technical Officials, Secretariat, and others who were part of this training gave their sincerest thanks to everyone who attended.







    A coach from Liloan NHS gave her impressions to the crowd and I agree with her in every bit of her sincerest thanks to the host most especially to the Principal. Everyone got their certificates signed by our SDS and the Division sports officer.


    This life-changing experience has taught me a lot, not just professionally but also my whole being. Those learnings I've got, I will surely impart those to my athletes and aspiring athletes,too.

    That's all for today and keep safe everyone.

    Note: Other photos were from my co-trainee with her permission



    📚👪She is an ardent public school teacher and a believer in Him. A loving mother and an affectionate wife.

    🧑‍🍳 A food enthusiast who extremely loves food experiments and loves to try new dishes that satisfy taste buds🤤

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