Micro Balcony Garden Journal 2024 - Jun 16 / マイクロバルコニーの記録

in voilk •  22 days ago

    Next week marks the summer solstice. In Germany, the weather is becoming more summer-like. While it will still take some time before I can harvest the summer vegetables, the plants are growing vigorously. Here is the view from my workspace—it's like a mini jungle.

    All the plants are thriving, but the one that stands out the most is this tomato plant. It's a large black tomato, and the stem is as thick as my finger.

    I didn't plant tomatoes in this spot for the past two years, thinking it wouldn't get enough sunlight. However, due to a lack of space, I decided to plant one here this year. It seems that this location is good for the tomato, perhaps because it’s sheltered from direct rain or because it's just a strong tomato variety. This pot also had great tulip growth in spring. Discoveries like this are what make gardening so interesting.

    Among the summer vegetables, the bitter melon (goya) is about to climbing the strings. The plants are still small, and occasionally aphids appear. When I find them, I blow them away with a strong breath—something I wouldn’t want anyone to see 😂 Once the plants get a bit bigger, I won’t need to do this. I must remember to pinch off the tips once they have some more true leaves to encourage bushier growth.

    The tall, thin plant on the right in the photo with the bitter melon is asparagus. I expected several stalks, but only one came up, so I’m just enjoying watching it as a kind of tree 😉 My daughter call it "mini Tannenbaum" (mini Christmas tree) I hope to harvest more next year.

    Last week, I harvested some broad beans too early. This week, I found a pod that was fully making its head down, so I harvested it.

    This time, the beans were just the right size. There are a few more pods that will be ready in the next few days, and I plan to use them in a pasta or quiche. If there aren't enough, I'll simply boil them with salt to enjoy their natural flavor.

    Since it is Father's Day today in Japan, my daughter woke up early to give a present to my partner, making this Sunday a bit busier than usual. I skipped my usual early morning balcony coffee, and instead had a late breakfast on the balcony; Rice, kimchi, and seaweed. I look forward to the day when I can add bitter melon from the balcony to my bowl.

    I wish everyone a wonderful Sunday. Happy gardening!

    🍅 🍅 🍅




    同じく夏野菜では、ゴーヤが紐につるを伸ばそうとしています。まだ植物が小さくて、時々アブラムシがついているので、見つけては思い切り息を吹きかけて吹き飛ばしていて、この姿は人には見せられません 😂 あと少し大きくなったらこの作業は不要になります。本場がもう少し出たらわさわささせるべく摘芯するのを忘れないようにしないと。

    ゴーヤの写真の右側に写っているひょろひょろの木のような植物はアスパラガスです。何本か生えてくるかと思いきや一本だけだったので、眺めて楽しんでいます 😉 来年は何本か収穫できるといいな。





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