Prejudice/ two of the many poignant cases

in voilk •  4 months ago



    Today I was able to live two episodes that really make me feel helpless, not being able to do anything about it, seeing how there are so many people full of prejudice against others, trying to harm them without any contemplation. Before talking about these two cases, I would like to give the concept of prejudice.

    Prejudices, as this word indicates, is that previous idea that one has about something or someone; but that generally is negative.

    ¿How and why are prejudices formed?

    These arise or are usually based on rumors or on a supposed previous experience of the people who form our group. Causing negative ideas towards those we perceive as different from us, this has a lot to do with discrimination, discarding or dominating other people or accepting them preferentially, without remorse and without reflecting if that is good or bad.

    ¿What are the consequences of prejudice?

    The delicate part of the case is that we can and do a lot of damage can significantly influence how we behave with certain people, and what expectations we have of them. This can be very dangerous, since we are generating traumas to those people that we talk about or reject, leading them to suicide, as we have seen cases or can also generate hatred and resentment to the point of killing those of whom they have felt rejection.

    First case

    I went to the local hospital in search of a prescription for medicine for my mother, it was not the first time it happened, I had already observed the attitude of the nurses against the emergency doctor, just for the simple fact of being humble and having studied in a government university, every time I went and asked about her, they always answered me in an uncomfortable way, the discomfort showed on their faces,
    I could not stand it any longer and as I know her, I asked her what was wrong with the nursing staff, she only told me that because of her condition and the way she is dressed, they do not tolerate her.
    There you can see the discrimination at the surface, I imagine that they who are graduates in nursing and come from private schools and good universities may be less than her in the professional area, the treatment of these are a little strong, I gave her a few words of encouragement and told her not to pay attention to their comments, she was the boss, do not feel bad and go ahead, at least that was what occurred to me.

    Second case


    This happened to me with a special girl, she is 24 years old but her mind is of a teenager and from a humble family, who has not had the money to place her in special schools that can help her.
    Her family has been neighbors for years and we know her, she is a totally innocent young girl, she met with young girls who make fun of her special situation, she just wanted to be part of the group, these immature girls started to invent and say things to them, now this girl is sad, nervous and worried, because of the comments that have been coming from the group.
    The mother of the special girl came to my house so that I could recommend something for her nerves, I asked her if she had talked to her, but her mother doesn't know what she is talking about. The only recommendation I gave her was to take her to a psychologist since they are special cases.


    First and foremost, the most important step we must take against everyday prejudice is to identify it and recognize that we all suffer from it. All of us have made certain value judgments about certain groups of people, but they do not apply to all members of that group.
    We cannot classify people by whatever condition they are in, but rather involve the group to make them feel good. May this lead to awareness and may we ourselves change our attitude towards others.

    Greetings to all those hives that make life in this community @reflexiobes, Thank you for your attention, the translator I use is Deepl.

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