Speaking my mind on a rainy, stormy day

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Today has been rainy and stormy with hardly a single sun-ray in sight.

    And that's okay.
    The weather just does it's thing.
    We can't control it
    although some try
    and many say
    and think
    we do.

    I'm pretty sure it's the other way around:

    The weather controls us.

    Anyhow, 'bad' weather or not, instead of feeling depressed and being a couch potato, binging stupid shows and eating crap (something I still do, occasionally and then usually counter the day after), I spent an hour or three, this afternoon, listening to a bunch of podcasts that don't fall in the so-called 'entertainment' category.

    No, most that I listen to is stuff that broadens my mind, actually teaches me things and tells a 'truth' that makes way more sense than the lies that most mainstream media spread (the truth that you feel, deep inside, but most people don't speak). In other words, among other topics, I tend to listen to what is these days called 'conspiracy theories' or - in case of one of my favorite topics to study (Bitcoin) - is being 'coin'ed a bubble, a ponzi scheme, a danger, funding terrorism, the biggest energy waster around, speeding up climate change and so on and so forth.
    Most who say this are not the ones actually studying the topic, like I have done for almost 7 years. They are copying others who haven't studied it either or just want to troll, create confusion or sow discord.

    What about giving a thing like Bitcoin a chance, instead, and approaching it as a means for a fairer future, an investment opportunity that actually makes you less of a slave to the system and not just poorer and more in debt, over time. What about seeing it as a chance to create a sense of abundance and freedom that we can only find in nature but that most seem to have forgotten about. Most people seem to have forgotten that nature is abundant and that we are part of nature. We are all talked into scarcity thinking, that there's not enough of everything. We are taught to feel bad about ourselves and weakened so we stay dependent on the higher powers that are (not) 'helping' us but still acting as if they are.

    Honestly, the more I study Bitcoin, the more I realize that I'm on the right path, the more excited I get. And not because I am brainwashed or part of a cult but because it makes sense and is way superior to the existing financial system and because it gives me a sense of freedom and justice that I have been looking for for a long, long time.

    I guess it's hard to break away from the past for most people, it's scares the crap out of them, even though everything around is changing, all the freaking time. Big changes are scary. It's not fun to find out that everything that you learnt in school and even from your own parents might be a lie, is probably heavily censored and far from the (entire) truth. I remember how I felt, when I found this out, started dipping my toes into this different world. I felt fragile. It was so much easier to stay in the old world and not think for myself but it just didn't feel right, so I jumped in head first.

    Anyhow, I felt like writing a somewhat different post for a change, closer to how I actually feel. It helps that most people on here, those active on the blockchain ( often 'outcasts' like me ) can relate.

    And yeah, fear is the mind killer, it can cripple you. It's easier to just go with the herd and repeat the mainstream opinion or keep your mouth shut and say yeah and amen and never disagree with anyone.

    Believe me, I have lived with fear long enough to know what havoc it can wreck and these days I am doing everything to step out of that unhealthy, stress- and panic-inducing emotion.

    I'm not there yet. It's not easy but easy is boring (me) anyway and I like a good challenge.

    It sure helps that most people that I meet in real life - especially those who emigrated from their country to (the countryside of) Portugal - often think in a similar way, use their common sense. With them, I can easily talk about almost every topic I can think of, without being censored or being called crazy or being shut down etc. Unfortunately, this isn't the case with some people close to me, some that I have practically known my entire life or for decades. I have no doubt that this is probably the case for many, that it has become increasingly so since 2020.

    It won't stop me from speaking my mind though. My voice is as important as that of anyone else.

    I can't always be the friendly monster, cracking jokes. Sometimes I have to be a little more direct and serious or just vent a bit.

    I'm sure you understand
    and if not, I suggest that you keep studying
    keep broadening your horizon.

    This might be your only life, after all so how do you want to live it?

    in fear
    or in freedom?

    And before I forget, if you're into reading or audio books or generally curious or think you know better (most of us do, I sometimes do), I highly recommend checking out this book

    The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion

    that I only learnt about today but feels fitting in this context. I am about to read it very, very soon.

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