WOO - Can We Have Brock Lesnar and CM Punk One Last Time?

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hey guys and as always, welcome back to Wrestling Organization Online, WOO

    There is something very interesting I want to discuss in relation to wrestling.

    I absolutely believe that Brock Lesnar could probably fight CM Punk again. I can’t wait! Thus, let’s get into it and talk about this.

    First of all, we should remind each other what took place between these two the previous time they met.

    It was as far back as 2013 during SummerSlam. The event still seems very fresh in my mind. As I recall, that was when Brock Lesnar and CM Punk had a huge brawl whereby brock won at the end. It was so high!

    Nowadays, fast forward to today in real world terms. For some time now Brock has been out of action but there are rumours that he might be back soon.

    And would you believe it? He may not come alone either. Other opinions exist; for instance, some people are saying even CM Punk can return! Picture both of them coming together once again! Unbelievable.

    So what makes them go again? Well, it would be awesome to see them face off one more time according to some people. But even now that they are older, it could still be something great.

    Picture the thrill of it! Moreover, if they clash during the Survivor Series, this will be huge considering that CM Punk’s home city is Chicago.

    But then again I get your point. There are those who may argue “Hey, these dudes have had their time already; they ain’t good anymore.” It’s a valid point though right? Guess what?

    I still believe they can make a fantastic entertainment piece out of themselves. Lately CM Punk had been up to some cool things and as always Brock has been a beast!

    Also think about this for a moment – imagine if Brock became a good guy and CM Punk came back as the villain. Sounds fascinating right? The roles would completely change from before which might make it interesting to watch. It is like an entirely different story!

    Now let’s discuss the big question – would I like to see them fight again? Do you think, yes! A return of old times with a new touch kind of thing.

    The first time they fought and we all know how excited I was and I will be or are you forgetting? Even more, to watch them in WWE again both on the same night would really be amazing.

    So yeah, count me in for Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk II. I’m all for it! Again, if you read this, tell me what your thoughts are below. So do you want to see them fight again? Drop a line!

    Alright, that is all for now.

    Thank you for spending some time talking wrestling with me. Until next time, keep enjoying the show.

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