Understanding The Bible. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in voilk •  2 months ago

    The Holy Spirit is the one who gave inspiration to holy men of old to write the Bible. The Bible is a book authored by God. The Holy Spirit is the author of the Bible. He is the one who knows what is in the Bible. No one can explain the Bible except the Holy Spirit.

    To understand the Bible, we need the Holy Spirit to help. The mysteries of God cannot be understood by men. The Bible can only be understood by the Holy Spirit. We should open our hearts to the Holy Spirit for Him to teach us His word.

    Trying to understand the Bible by human wisdom is nothing. We cannot understand the Bible using our mental ideas. The Bible cannot be understood by human reasoning. Man wisdom is foolishness before God. Man's reasoning is foolishness before God. So, we cannot use our mental knowledge to understand the Word of God.

    The Word of God is the word of power. Our faith in God must stand on the power of God not on the enticing words of man’s wisdom. We must allow our hearts to listen to the Holy Spirit when we are studying the Word of God.

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