Alive & Thriving Saturday : Life Updates - Recap of My Week || AATYr5 || LarryIsAlive

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Happy Caturday 😸 I'm also counting down till end of another month. Hopefully, weather will cool down a bit when May comes in. 🙏 That remains to be seen, however...


    Gosh, I honestly don't know how it came to be as hot as it is here in the Philippines. For sure, it happened gradually, but we didn't pay attention to it earlier. If I did, I'd probably planned ahead and scouted for a better place to live. 🙄 Hopefully, I can still do something about it. One day at a time... one step at a time...

    Alive&Thriving Saturday : Recap of My Week

    I usually read through what I published the week before prior to writing my post for the day. I shared about Tweenie Polka a week ago but sadly she didn't show up again after that. I'd hate to think she just said good-bye to me then. 😞 Also, most of the kitties do not hang out at their designated place outside anymore (the cattopia). Most mornings I would only find three kitties waiting for breakfast. Some would show up at various times of the day. I had to make sure there's dry food and leftover food as I could sometimes not predict when they'd be around. 🙁 It makes me concerned but I trust the universe and the outdoor kitties esp. when it comes to survival. They seem very good at being adaptable and flexible. In all honesty, I learn so much from them just by observing them and interacting with them. They're far batter than most humans I know. 😂


    Took the photos this morning. The one on the left was early on before the sun reached the terrace garden. The water was from the cooling system. I spread it throughout the garden area to dry easily and also to cool down our area. The second photo was a midday one. Some parts are drier than others. In the afternoon, I spread out the remaining wet areas and it was almost dry before I turned on the cooling system tonight. Did you notice the three resting kitties on the second photo? They're over the hump at the end of my garden area. 🤣 Well, this task will now be added to my daily chore as I need to use the cooling system to stay sane and comfortable at least at the end of a work day. 😒

    I guess starting my fifth year of celebrating #aliveandthriving will be a tough one, huh? In some ways, I envy @flaxz who could stay away from Hive (probably has something more important going on for him offline). 😁 I'd love to have more outside life too, but I don't see that happening yet at this time. I'd need a change of environment before that happens. Inshallah! 🙏❤️💡 So far, I've been using the cooling system the past three nights and thankfully, I did sleep better the past two nights already. I can't wait till summer ends. I've had enough of this really hot weather now. 😵 It honestly feels like hell (we're like getting a feel of what's it like there). 🔥

    Onwards to my #LarryIsAlive quest...


    Let me recap my quest for today... (6/6)

    LN - daily goal completed for the challenge 👍 at least I got to complete the weekly goal too. So far, so good. Glad there's enough mails to complete 2/3 of the goals. I hope the token rewards comes back on LN too. I have quite a bit of stake there.

    CTPX - daily run completed and glad that I won at least once yesterday. That has become a bit hard these days.

    LL - daily surf and convert completed and I'm officially working on getting to $5 now. Yay, that's almost halfway to cash out.

    TAB - minimum daily surf completed and I finally saw lucky 888 points 😆 is that lucky or what?! 🍀

    FAFY - I did an extra easy activity today, even if I've now surpassed my 1K reward points goal. I'm just waiting for the month to reset.

    ITB - completed my five shares again today 👍 wish there's a better way to get more BTC's 😂

    screenshots from my quest can be found below...




    >>> What's new? : Check out CTPX










    Infinity Traffic Boost


    I usually get sleepy once it's cool, but I realized I couldn't sleep as I have yet to finish my post. 🤣 I snoozed a bit but then saw that The Why Files YT channel has a new upload so I sorta listened to it while I closed my eyes. Pretty good video. I was ready to write once I finished it too. 😉


    That's a wrap. I'll enjoy my short day off now. Nighty night from Manila. See you on my next post tomorrow. Ta-tah! 👋


    credits for the new signature : @stdd

    My books are now available:


    Never Bother


    Don't You Cry No More

    DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
    More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
    NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem

    I'm on HIVE 'coz of:

    My main affiliate program ===> ClickTrackProfit

    Documenting my life's journey:

    My main blog ===> Fresh Start

    Follow my channel on LBRY ===> @lifeingeneral

    BTC address: 1A6X3avHQ3FqPyxMBxdJnzHe7iBBvKugHB

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