the last car show shots from last year

in voilk •  3 months ago

    the last car show shots from last year

    Good Morning all, as is my habit on Saturdays I am sharing some shots of car shows I visited this year, and today some more from a 60s themed night in the historic district here in New Bedford. it was a cool event as not only did so many cars turn up for people to see but they had a few vendors in spots around the streets as well as three spots where live music was being played, but I didn't stay too long as it got quite crowded and I really do not like crowds, yeah I know you can feel free to call me anti-social LOL

    For this weeks post I will share the last set of photos, no theme at all and until I get out to some car shows whoich I am sure are starting soon and the spring weather seems to be well on its way now I will have to find somethign else to share on Saturdays

    This lady has been seen in anothe rpost, I seldom take photos of people, but she saw me taking photos of the cars and smiled and posed so I got a few shots of her

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    Sony A7iv 44mm F8 1/2125 Sec ISO 160
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    And this is the car she was posing by I know its a Chevy but no idea what model

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    Sony A7iv 31mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 125
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    Anothe rnice classic with the hood up

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    Sony A7iv 34mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 125
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    this one I could happily cruise around town in

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    Sony A7iv 44mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 160
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    A nice modern ride, but for me if I had the money to invest in any of these cars rather than modern sports cars or luxury cars for that matter, I would like a nice old classic

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    Sony A7iv 36mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 160
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    Same one

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    I said I liked this chevelle here it is again

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    a Few of the cars with the owners set up on seats behind them

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    filling up space betwene photos with random words lOL

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    I do believe this is a classic mustang

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    And that’s all folks

    unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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