More To It Than Meets The Eye

in voilk •  3 months ago

    "The lecturer would be a bit late" The class rep announced to the students. Some were pressing their phones, others were reading and some others were discussing.


    John looked at his watch again, it was 8:20 am, and still no sign of the lecturer. That means he is already very late despite the emphasis he placed on keeping to time during his last class.

    John had enjoyed the last class with Prof. Ken and was eagerly looking forward to this one too. He had come very early to get a front seat so he doesn't miss anything the teacher would say.

    He looked out of the window and observed that the "noisy boys" as he called them were still discussing outside the classroom. The group of five boys always disturbed the class, especially when lectures were not ongoing. John was not always eager to associate with them because he felt they were bad company but today, he was surprised to see Frank leading the discussion this time. Frank was the only one among them he was a bit close to and he liked Frank because of his quietness unlike the boys he associated with.

    "Let me find out what Frank is talking about" John thought to himself "they seem to be paying rapt attention to what he is saying".

    "All you need to do is be original, don't cheat or try to cheat. There is a lot to earn and learn" Frank was explaining to Kingsley specifically "I will send a link to you with which you can register and as for you Drey, you can upload a video of you singing, there is a community that appreciates musicians and you will benefit from there too. That's how I was able to get the money I spent during the weekend" he explained and the boys all seemed satisfied. "Your turn Drey, tell us how you have been surviving"

    "I learnt of airdrops not long ago, and I was trying it out. Basically it's about doing some tasks for coins that do not have value yet but have potential, very similar to mining crypto" he described " there are a lot of them actually and I have been able to earn a decent amount of money and still looking forward to earning more".

    "In that case, I will create a WhatsApp group where we discuss all the opportunities we have coming our way, let's carry each other along cos we rise by lifting others and the sky is too wide for too birds to collide" Frank opined. He seemed to be the leader of the boys adding more surprises for John.
    "In the meantime, I thank you all for taking out time to express yourselves and share information that could be helpful to all of us, I also thank Kingsley specifically for volunteering to guide us academically so that we don't loose track of academia in the pursuit of money" Frank continued.

    "It's nothing" Kingsley chipped in "what are friends for? Besides I benefitted hugely from this discussion"

    "Good morning boys, what are you doing standing outside the class? Do you want to announce my lateness to the school management?" It was Prof Ken trying to make light of his lateness with a smile.
    "No sir, we just came out now" Drey lied.
    "That's alright, get into the class, we don't have much time left"

    As they entered the classroom, John pulled Frank by the hand "please add me to the WhatsApp group, I want to be a part of the group. I used to think you guys were bad company but honestly, with what I heard this morning, it would be greatly beneficial to mingle with you guys" he pleaded.
    "No problem bro" Frank agreed "like I always say, the sky is too wide for two birds to collide. But I would have to bring you up to date by telling you about the other things we have discussed before you joined us".

    "That would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much" John was smiling sheepishly.
    He would not have believed he would want to join the "noisy boys" but just one spirited discussion had changed his perspective. They were afterall not the bad company he had thought they would be.
    The idea of a group of friends who made money together, carrying each other along and still studied together seemed awesome and he was not willing to miss out. However he felt a little embarrassed that he had looked down on them without getting to know them. They were not just noisy, they were great guys.

    After the class, Frank called John, "we have a meeting beside the school library now, I want you to be there".
    "Sure! Let's go"
    "I do read some of the short stories you send on your status, I think you are a good writer and would benefit from some communities on the platform which encourages writers" Frank said, "I will help you create an account after the meeting".
    "Yes, I do write. But it's not limited to short stories. What's the name of this platform?"
    John asked.
    "It's called Hive, a Blockchain technology. I don't know much about it cos I am new to it, but so far so good, the experience has been amazing that's why I am sharing with my friends".

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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