Week #191: My little obsession and favorite number and color

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Image edited in Hue Pix

    Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. I hope you are enjoying this weekend. As usual, every Friday I reach out to the Weekend Experiences community as @galenkp always proposes us several very interesting topics. On this occasion, I really liked this week's two topics and I would like to tell you a little bit about both of them.

    What are you obsessed with and why?
    Answer and explain one from the present and one from your past.

    In the past I don't think I had an obsession as such, there were bands or movies that I loved, such as: AQUA; One Direction; Harry Potter; Back to the Future and Hocus Pocus, which are still my favorites, but I don't think I would call it an obsession. However there is one TV show that I am completely obsessed with, but it's a good obssession. This TV show is "Friends" and everyone who knows me knows of my love for it.

    This little obsession started way back when I first watched the show and has only gotten stronger as the years have gone by. In fact, I've already lost count of how many times I've watched it (and it has 10 seasons).

    The reason I like it so much is that it represents something that many of us would like to have, and that is that group of close friends who, no matter the situation, will always be there to help you and accompany you through thick and thin, who live every process together with you and inspire you to pursue your dreams. The true meaning of friendship, that comes to be the most important thing that the show teaches us.

    You know, no matter how many years have passed or how many times I have watched it, I still laugh at the funny scenes or cry at the dramatic scenes, because that's how good the show is. Plus, it has helped me improve my English quite a bit.

    Proofs of my obssession:

    • 1- My tattoo


    • 2- My laptop wallpaper


    • 3- My collection

    I have all ten season, and I also have some interviews of the cast, like The Friends Reunion they did in 2021, and some bloopers.


    Screenshot from my laptop

    • 4- Endless watching

    The fact that I never stop watching the show, once I finished season 10 I find myself starting season 1 all over again, it's so addictive. I watch, at least, one episode everyday, sometimes I watch more than one.


    Screenshot from my laptop

    Tell us your favorite or significant number and color and explain why they stand out for you.

    This is so perfectly clear to me, I immediately think of number 23 and the red color.


    The reason this is my favorite number is that, as I know it is for many of you too, it is the day I was born, but to make it even more special, my mom was 23 when she had me. I guess that's the reason I've always liked that number.

    Something very interesting is that there is a movie starring Jim Carrey called "The number 23", where the main character becomes obsessed with the number and sees it everywhere, even thinking that it will cause his death. It's a movie from 2007 and I remember when I saw it it was a little scary, but I thought it was cool that they used my favorite number 😌🙃.

    As for the red color, it's simply a matter of taste. I've always preferred red things and it's always been my favorite color since I was a kid ❤️.


    • All pictures were taken with my Samsung Galaxy S9 phone.
    • Link of the image used in the cover picture.
    • Gif taken from gifsanimados.org.

    Thank you for reading!

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