Merremia hederacea

in voilk •  3 months ago

    This is a Merremia hederacea. I saw it today's morning while I was walking along our rural road. This is an amazing flower. I found this name by searching on Google. This is also so beautiful grass flowers. They are common flower. I always seen this kind of flower. Different types of grass can be seen on every road and land especially in the village area and small shaped flowers can be seen on those grasses. These are very small flowers and these flowers look like pepper flowers. Its petals and colour so amazing.









    Today's morning while I was walking along our rural road then I saw it was blooming side by the road. I came across these flowers early in the morning when I was passing by the road on my way to the land and it looked amazing. Although I have photographed these flowers before but honestly I like the flowers more and more each time I see them. Especially the color of this flower is amazing. Such flowers are very small. Looks a lot like beautiful flowers but much smaller than them. This plant is growing as a weed on one side of our house. I took photographs of it moments ago and shared them through this community.

    This is yellow colour flower. Such flowers are often seen in roadsides and in various crop fields. Most of the time I see these flowers when I visit the land. Anyway, my favorite flowers are garden or grass flowers or wild flowers. We know that flowers are one of the symbols of beauty and enhance the beauty of the world given by the creator.

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