Phonography/Phone Photography Contest 05 - Will You Walk Inside My Parlor?

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello once again Phone Photography aficionados. It's Round 05 of the newest and getting to be very popular contest in Hive, the Phonography/Phone Photography Contest, hosted by @untilwelearn. If you are one of those who just love taking pictures with your cell phones this is the challenge for you. Read all about it here. Hopefully, we will see you joining here very soon.

    While thinking of what to feature in this Round, I read a post by our host on macro photography, check the link here, and got this inspiration about showing some macro shots I did way back in July of 2021 which I have not posted till now. I guess I was waiting for the right moment to do so and it feels like this is the time.

    Way back in 2021 we planted a sunflower seedling along the edge of our garden. It grew to be so tall and bloomed prolifically. I was so happy about this plant and usually go out in the mornings to check on it and admire its beauty. One day, while I was looking, I saw something interesting under the leaves of the plant and went closer to inspect it. Initially this was what I saw.

    It looked like the rear of an insect, probably a spider. I went closer and saw that it was indeed a spider with a captured prey. I took a shot.

    I decided to zoom in on the spectacle while moving in even closer to them. I was thinking of the poem the Spider and the Fly all the time while trying to get into position. These were my photos taken from my trusty Oppo cell phone.

    I guess, like our host in his post I mentioned earlier, I was also quite happy with the photos I took, not expecting them to turn out this clear that even the hair-like things that line the surface of the plant were vividly captured. These, thus far, are the best macro photos on insects that I have and I'm so glad this contest came along and I finally had a platform where to post it.

    And that's it for now. Until the next Round, this is me signing off. Stay safe and healthy everyone.

    (All photos are mine.)

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