The Princess And The Revelation

in voilk •  3 months ago

    The picture is generated by @wakeupkitty host of pic1000 source

    Princess Amina, amidst the softness and comfort of her royal chambers, found herself in her storage room, surrounded by piles of white, yet-to-be used pillowcases and bedding.

    The bright moonlight danced through the small window, casting a silver glow on the scene. She was dressed in her emerald green dress, which shimmered in the dim light, complemented by the glint of her silver tiara. Scattered on the floor were fruits of different types.

    With a tired sigh, Amina held a pea pod in her hands, her eyes drooping from a sleepless night. She had tossed and turned on her lavish bed, unable to find peace amidst the luxury that surrounded her. Something had called out to her for two nights now, and tonight it led her to her storage room and the fruits therein.

    “Weird,” she said, still looking perplexed. “Did the cleaner forget to clean out the storage?” she asked no one but herself.

    "What troubles you, my dear?" a soft voice asked from the doorway, startling her.

    Amina looked up to see her mother, Queen Zara, standing there, concern etched on her face.

    "I cannot sleep, Mother," Amina confessed, her voice heavy with exhaustion. “The cleaner must have been using my storage to store her loot from the kitchen. But weird as it may sound, a voice from this fruit called out to me this night.”

    The queen stepped into the room, her regal presence commanding attention. She kneeled beside her daughter, taking the pea pod from her hands and examining it closely. Suddenly, her face glimmered with joy.

    "Ah, the gods have done it," Queen Zara mused.

    “The gods? What do you mean, mother?” Amina asked, confused, “I just said that the cleaner must have forgotten to clean my storage room.” Amina added, standing up to go back to her room.

    "No, my daughter, the gods are speaking to us; come.”

    Amina turned, still confused but curious to hear her mom out.

    “Listen daughter, In some cultures like ours, pea pods and fruits in abundance symbolise fertility, growth, and abundance. They are associated with the cycle of life, as peas represent new beginnings and the potential for growth and renewal. Remember how we've wanted a son to take over the throne and how our land has been in drought?" She looked at the peas and fruits on the floor and said, “This must be a sign from the gods that our worries are over.”

    Amina frowned, puzzled by her mother's words. "But what does that have to do with my sleepless nights and it calling out to me?"

    “Maybe the gods were trying to use you to pass the message. Come, my daughter, we must seek your father, the king, immediately.”

    With that, the King was summoned to Amina’s room, who in turn summoned the Chief Priest of the land to consult the gods and confirm the true meaning of the fruits found in the princess's storage room. And just as they had guessed, the queen was right.

    In the remaining years of the king's reign, the land was in abundance, and the queen, by the mercies of the gods, begat a son who would take over the throne when the king was no more.

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