[ENG]|[ESP] My cat Rayito says Happy Hive Birthday

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Greetings to the entire Hive community! I hope you have a nice day!!

    For those who don't know yet, last March 20th was the birthday and 4th anniversary of our home, the Hive Block Chain.

    Since I had some balloons in my house that were perfect for the occasion, it occurred to me to do a photo session with my cat Rayito, who loves to be photographed, so that we could both wish a Happy Birthday to the entire Hive community, thank you for being so incredible and for improving the lives of so many people, we love you very much!

    Un saludo a toda la comunidad de Hive! Espero tengan un bonito dia!!

    Para quienes no lo sepan aun, el pasado 20 de marzo fue el cumpleaños y el 4to aniversario de nuestro hogar, la Hive Block Chain.

    Como tenia en mi casa unos globos perfectos para la ocasion se me ocurrió hacer una sesion de fotos junto a mi gata Rayito a quien le encanta que le tome fotos y asi ambos poder desearles un Feliz Cumpleaños a toda la comunida de Hive, gracias por ser tan increibles y por mejorarle la vida tantas personas, los queremos mucho!



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