The Daily Leo | Big Day for Ethereum

in voilk •  2 months ago

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    Big Day for Ethereum


    After Bitcoin, Ethereum is the next crypto coin for which ETF applications are submitted and today is the day when the outcome is expected. We are not sure of the result but people are anticipating a positive response. The ETH price in the market has also grown nicely in the last 2 days. Its surely a big day for ethereum holders and time to track the ETF news update.


    In the Crypto market, scams are one of the biggest problems and finally exchnages and some tech companies have come forward to deal with this problem. Users are affected by such scams in the market and hopefully, with this collaboration, this problem can be solved upto an extent. One exchange can not do it alone but together they can do something to improve and reduce the impact.


    The economic growth of any country is dependent on multiple factors. In simple words, no country can grow its economy if they don't pay attention to all contributing elements. The Informal Sector is one of the components that contribute to economic growth. This sector provides the most labour and productivity for companies. It may not sound very valuable but the fact is that its a valuable and important part of the economy that should not be ignored.


    We are aware that some countries are in war situations and this has been going on for quite some time. This is also contributing to the global crisis and the Middle East is not left alone. Somehow its expected that crises in tense regions like the Middle East could easily explode. If not then also there is a possibility to see an increase in collapses, etc.


    The global situation is not good in terms of the economy and also for geographical relationships. Its not worse at the moment but certainly not good and sometimes its like the situation for World War 3 is building up. Global conflicts are increasing and this is not a good sign as its making things difficult between many countries. Read the article for more details


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    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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