Trying to sleep

in voilk •  last month

    Last night was one of those nights where I genuinely was a little bit scared to sleep all alone in my room. This doesn't happen often to me, but when it does, I get scared and have to motivate myself that it's all in my head and that there's no one else in the room but me. Let me explain...

    photo-1634473637038-eeeb90247ec4 (2).jpeg
    photo by Vadim Bogulov

    You know how we get one of those feelings randomly at night (it might be just me) where we feel like we're being watched by someone hiding in the shadows, I had one of those last night and had immediately turned on the light to see if it was true or if my mind was playing tricks on me.

    Fortunately for me, there was no one there but still, I couldn't take my off off the whole possibility that if not someone, then something could be in that house with me and I just might not know it.. I was thinking that way because of one reason.

    You see back in the day when we still lived in the ghetto, one of my brothers had seen a white snake in our home one morning. Due to how the house was constructed, the snake had found a way to crawl in from a neighbour's place into ours during the night.

    The space it had crawled into was where my parents bed was but luckily for them, it had missed them. Instead, this white snake had killed and swallowed a huge rat, one that didn't let it function well as usual.

    So when my brother had seen that snake that morning, he had seen it with its protruding stomach, one that clearly showed signs of discomfort to the snake. We had immediately called someone that we knew could help us get rid of the snake and they had killed it by beheading it.

    And ever since then, whenever I heardl little noises in a room where it's suppose to be just me in it, I get very suspicious and observant, because the last thing I want is a snake or whatever animal that might be there, crawling up on me.

    This is probably one of the reasons why I feel like I can't live in Australia because I've seen one too many videos of snakes hiding in the roof or ceiling of a building and how casual the people there behave towards such things as if it's something normal when it's clearly not because those things can kill you with just one strike.

    That to me isn't normal and I'm glad I am thousands of kilometres away from such a place because how am I suppose to sleep when that's all I think about all day.. How?

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