Inspirational talks

in voilk •  5 months ago


    When he was alive, I started to follow up on his career, especially in my early twenties when I was at college and one of my older brother's friends decided to move to Mexico to work for NEXT, the company Jobs created after living Apple and which ended up saving the company from bankruptcy several years later.


    My first interaction with a computer was working during my high school summer years at my parent's company. I did some selflearning operating system lessons on an IBM with 8 8-inch floppy disk drive.


    But my first real interaction was taking my first computer class at high school, where I used an Apple II to dive into Basic language for the first time.


    I stopped watching regular TV several years ago, I only watch live news whenever some special event is taking place or to relax by watching a sports game. I usually sit on the sofa, get into YouTube, and watch videos from channels I follow. For whatever reason, YouTube AI decided to show me again one of the videos I've seen many times from him, the lecture he did at the Standford Graduation Ceremony after his cancer surgery.

    From that one, I started watching some more, and beyond the interviews and documentaries about his early days and his career, I chose this short one from a longer interview In 1994, at the Santa Clara Valley Historical Association. If I had to choose only one, this would probably be it.

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