The Revival of Our Community Garden...

in voilk •  4 days ago

    For the past years, our small community had a small garden where everyone helps out and could take anything they want. However, the long drought affected it. We weren't able to continuously take care of it, so after the last harvest, we didn't plant anything.

    For months, weeds started growing and the fence we used enclose it has been broken. The hot days with little to no water didn't help as well. However, rainy season has come. The temperature has gone down and we experience rain fromo time to time.

    Our home garden has become greener once again. We haven't really though much about the community garden, but last Thursday, our community leader gathered some kids and members to clean and get the place ready for gardening again.

    Luckily, that was the day when my father and I went to the city hall to get my reunion shirt. My mom contacted us because she offered some snacks to them and when we went home, my father and I could help.


    I immediately changed into my new shirt. haha First time wearing it was for a good cause. I wore a cap because it was quite hot.




    We mostly did some repair and weeding. I helped with the latter first and assisted my father with some minor repairs. I could only help for an hour or so because I already opened some afternoon classes that day, but I'm glad I didn't have any morning classes due to my earlier plans.



    Around noon, we have already cleared out the area. We're going to dig and add healthier soil in the coming days so we could plant some vegetables again.

    When I have more time, I'm planning to revive our home vegetable garden, too. For now, we have mostly ornamental ones. It's not as hot as the previous months and we get enough rain these days. The problem is, we might get too much rain this season as well.

    Anyway, thanks for checking out this post. See you next time!

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