Sublime and Beautiful Sunday - Sunrises over water

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Sublime and Beautiful Sunday - Sunrises over water

    Good Morning and I hope your weekend is going well

    I often talk in posts about how I love the mornings blues, and I do perhaps becaus eoften well efore the sunrise when I go out ther eis the lovely blues, but also so few if any people are out and about at the places I go to at that time, but that said when mother nature decides to share a gorgeous colorfulsunrise with us I find that so sublime and beautiful to experience, especially for me when it is over water and thats what I will share today some colorful sunrises over water.
    This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.

    Starting with this one where i was out on the harbor walk intially it looked quite gloomey withthe clouds but they moved just before the sun rose and gave a nice combination of warm colors and moody clouds

    That tower inthe photo is where there is an Osprey Nest and I guess they will be back soon

    sunrises over the water-4.jpg

    Sony A7iv 28mm 11 1/6 Sec ISO 100
    Click here to view larger

    this next one still in New Bedford is a morning where I had parke din Fort Tabor Park, which you can se einthe distance and I had walked out to East beach

    sunrises over the water-5.jpg

    Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1/10 Sec ISO 100
    Click here to view larger

    this next one ois from a morning when I went to Apponaganasett point in Dartmouth by where i parked near the boat ramp and pier

    sunrises over the water.jpg

    Sony A7iv 28mm F11 1/30 Sec ISO 100
    Click here to view larger

    and still inthe same place a nice bench over looking the water with golden tones fromthe sunrise

    sunrises over the water-2.jpg

    Sony A7iv 54mm F11 1/30 Sec ISO 100
    Click here to view larger

    and this last shot is at Neds Point where I go to mainly to get shots of the Lighhouse there, but some days I get lucky and catch a nice sunrise

    sunrises over the water-3.jpg

    Sony A7iv 23mm F110.6 Sec ISO 100
    Click here to view larger

    And that’s all folks

    unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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