Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 4

in voilk โ€ขย  2 months ago

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    Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

    This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

    Click Back Button to Start At The Beginning

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    Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 4

    Dear Reader, sometimes life takes you by the hand.

    It will lead you to where you did not know you needed to go.

    The question here is, would you allow life to lead you? Or would you remain stubborn and go your own way?

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    As I cross the hill, I see the house that changed everything below me in the valley. I kid myself if I say that it is only now that I decide to visit the old man and his wife.

    Yes, I didn't consciously plan to visit this place. In fact, I am somewhat surprised to find myself here at the beginning of the actual journey, yet at the same time, I knew I would. Our journey would not come full circle if I would skip this final step.

    Kosa has a right to know what happened.
    He set us on the right path, steered us silently, and gave us what we needed in more ways than he probably knows. He deserves to hear the end of the story he instigated.

    As I slowly descend, I see that the fields are filled with crops, they are even more beautiful than when we left them. I think the merchant must have had some good business going lately. A smile comes to my face because I think I know what brought this well-deserved circumstance to the old fox. I just wonder if he will admit it.

    When I turn onto the road to the house, an old friend is standing there, an almost antique donkey is looking at me sheepishly, and for a moment it is as if the animal is laughing at me.


    I smile back and realize that it has been a long time since I felt as comfortable somewhere as I do here.

    As I reach the house I slow down. I don't know what to expect, but I don't have to think about it for long because before I reach the veranda, the door swings open and I see a weathered face with a huge smile on it.

    "Martio, my son, I never dared to dream that this day would come. But boy, am I glad to see you in the flesh, but," his breath catches for a moment, "your companions."

    "Kosa, nosy old fox, if you give me a glass, I'll tell you everything. But how did you know...?"

    The cunning eyes look at the window, from behind which his wife waves. She is clearly in better shape than in the past, although it appears she never fully recovered.

    "It's so wonderful that she's still here, and she may not be able to do everything anymore, but she still sees and cooks like the best, and we have help for everything else," he says with relief.

    "Yes, and good help by the looks of it," as I nod towards his lands.

    "All thanks to you and your friends, boy."

    I knew it, he milked the story to the last cent and I don't blame him.

    "Take your horse to the stable and I'll set up the glasses and the bottle, of course! You remember where it is, right?"

    How could I forget?

    How many nights we have slept in that stable?
    When I enter it's like nothing has changed, like I'm back at the beginning. As I put my horse in the stable, I feel that I am being watched, and from the corner of my eye, I see a shadow or a figure. But when I turn around, there is no one there.

    I know this place better than anyone, I think, but should I?
    No, I decide to leave the stable the way I came and pretend I didn't see anything.

    "Tell." That's all Kosa says, but the filled glasses and the look in his eyes invite much more.

    "Kosa, friend, I don't know where to start, but thanking you is probably the best start. Your farewell gift set us on the right path and we have been following it ever since."

    I pause for a moment and take two big sips, one for the dry throat and one for the courage I need to say the next thing.

    "Let me answer your question first. Why I returned alone."

    I pause, take one more sip: "We knew it could happen and it did. We lost a friend along the way. Retsj sacrificed himself so we could continue."

    While telling the old man what happened I realize that my realization back at the sea must have been right.
    "Only recently I saw that this is how it was supposed to go. The giant with his one eye would have been out of place in the palace of the Sikh, it would have complicated things to an extent that completely changes the outcome."

    With these last words, I try to soften the shock, but I still see an edge of water in the old eyes opposite me.

    "And the boy," he asks, unable to hide the tremor in his voice.

    Next Chapter Coming in Two Days

    Click Back Button to Start with Book One

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