Wednesday Walk - A Mishmash of Early Spring

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Here are a few photos of early spring for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay
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    Spring around here tends to be gray and gloomy. This lone hawk is probably flying away to look for a sunspot to warm up in.

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    The rainy/snowy clouds barely let any light through.

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    At leaat the flowers are adding some bright spots to the gloom. Eventually it will be time for mushroom hunting.

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    Moss is also getting nice and neon looking. Chipmunks love sitting on this soft surface as they crack through acorns.

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    Here is an interesting 100 year old painting above the doors of a horse stable. Sadly no horses are boarded here anymore as they are an expensive hobby.

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    At a lake nearby loads of carp are begging for food.

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    We dropped some fish food in for them. Next time we should bring pellets instead of flakes as these tankish fish barely got any sustenance from the flakes.

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    The turkeytail is looking refreshed with all the rain. Hopefully the morels will be out soon.

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    Daffodils are blooming everywhere and they love gloomy wet weather.

    That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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