Fresh Chicks, Spring Weather, House Plants, Coop Door Opener Success, Foam, Kraken - Tuesday

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I went out to let the birds out yesterday morning and I heard a cheeping from somewhere and after following it I found this hen nestled down behind a bunch of old dividers behind the coop. She one chick in front of her making the noise so I grabbed a bucket and yarded the dividers away. I managed to get all 8 chicks gathered up and then hen and got them into the pallet hut.


    She was far more mellow than I had expected and didn't make too much fuss as I moved them all in.


    Unfortunately the one chick in the foreground died but she still has 7 chicks. I got a tray of feed and a waterer set inside for them and closed the fencing up. This is the EXACT reason I didn't buy any chicken chicks this year, I KNEW I would be getting chicks hatched at some point. We have WAY too many roosters as it is now and they all need to go save one.


    I spent about half an hour working on reorganizing a bunch of my electronics. All my micro controllers got put into one storage container and then I was able to shift my LEDs to a smaller tray. I just have my working parts in the house and have a slew of other components in my parts room.


    The weather over the day was wacky. We got a nice bout of sunshine for a while mid morning which spurred me to get the house plants moved to the greenhouse.


    I parked the cart by the patio and loaded it up for the 80 foot move to the greenhouse.


    The plant shelf from the house got set on the bricks and loaded with the plants. They will be much happier out there for sure. I did just have to go out and set the heat lamp on to ensure they would be okay in the sub freezing temps, though it felt sufficiently warm I still want to protect them. It is a white light so I will get the bulb changed out to a red one today and will set the light on a timer for the next week or two while the temps are to be near freezing at nights.


    First flowers to bloom on the farm are these tiny yellow ones. I have no clue what they are but they beat the tiny purple ones by a good margin.


    It was near 1pm when my new motor controller arrived and I quickly got it hooked up and tested. It was the primary focus for the rest of the day and I fought with the code for a while. I could get the servo to move but it would bounce on return and I was not able to get the motor to reverse.


    I picked the boys up from school and a little while later the storms moved over. This nice thunderstorm straight dumped just to the south of us and only skimmed us.


    It was super dark under the storm as it moved east.


    I made it out to the studio and got the foam all cut flush. It did a wonderful job of filling all the cracks and I now have it ready for insulation and sheetrock.


    I found the perfect container for the coop door opener setup to be mounted in. and began work on installing the parts in it. The LCD mounts to the lid and is super easy to see.


    We all ended up out soaking with them a bit before me and me at more the regular time.


    The Kraken are a day late and a lot of points short for a performance like they had. 4-0 they win when it means nothing...


    Excited to get the opener parts all mounted but I still have to come up with a pulley for the motor and I have to create the part to attach the servo to the lock latch handle that will allow for manual opening of the latch.


    Today I have my chiro appointment in the morning then it is to rain much of the afternoon. I will work on the coop opener more, dig out the sheetrock and get it to the studio with the insulation for install while it rains, try to find a pulley for the stepper motor, the boys are off school early for the start of spring break, and tonight is R's last practice of the season.

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