
in voilk •  4 months ago

    Forgiveness is one of the most difficult acts but also one of the best things you can do especially for yourself and the offender. Most people don't like to talk about forgiveness. They hate to be told about forgiveness especially when they have been hurt. They always feel that revenge is the best way to resolve their situation.
    In contrast, I think revenge isn't but forgiveness is and here's why.


    1. Instead of stress, forgiveness renders you a clear head.
    One thing I've noticed about forgiveness is that, once you practice this, you let go of a lot of burdens and heaviness. You feel so free, 'light' and 'empty'. You see that now, you can focus on whatever you do without getting distracted by the thoughts of revenge against the other person. Even though sometimes it hurts so bad, that you can't help but think of it, forgiving the person makes it easier to deal with.

    2. Forgiveness mends broken relationships.
    Forgiving one another can break the wall hurt has built between people. Now, you can even if not get closer to the person like before, relate with the person and live peacefully with one another; and since in one way or the other we need one another, life gets easier for you.


    3. Research shows that forgiveness improves your mental health and also keeps your overall health in check.
    Negative emotions like anxiety and depression, anger, hate and stress, take a toll on your overall being. They have negative effects on you and can cause life-threatening illnesses like very high blood pressure. Forgiveness saves you from all this.

    I'm not going to pretend forgiveness is just an easy thing to do. I struggled with forgiving people when I was growing up, but once I got to understand how it works and its benefits, even though I still struggle now, it's way better. It gets harder especially when the person who hurt you is someone you love or cherish. But the thing is what happens when you harbour the pain for so long? Does it make things any better? Yeah maybe at the start, it feels good but as time goes on, it binds you and takes over your whole being.

    You now have no control over your emotions and it becomes a burden.
    As hard as it is to forgive, it is worth it. Even not for the person, but for yourself. You may choose not to forget, or forgetting might take time but try as much to let go. You'll do yourself more good that way.

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