| MONOMAD | streeterrestrial Xd

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Here I go!

    I have some photos and an incredible story. What to do? Tell it or get up from this chair and go get a drink of water. 🤔

    Water (Let's see) 👀


    I thought it was a water tank, but it was not. It is a spaceship. As soon as I stopped to look at it, the colours...


    You know what happened.

    (3st0 n0 deb0 decirl0, p3r0 sé qu3 p0c0s l0 l33rán)

    I am an X-Files agent

    Sorry... Let's continue.

    I had to make the decision. The small white box in the first image was ticked to reach out to the ship's occupants.

    @monochromes don't mute me, the focus is on the weed.
    Everything happened very quickly - hahaha


    Instructions were sent to the base and we met him!


    I couldn't believe what we understood in his streeterrestrial language.



    He just repeated this word a dozen times, turned around and walked away.


    We've checked all kinds of pulsations inside the ship... we have found holographic portraits and it seems that this clothing is appropriate now on his walk on Earth.


    The guy is just different and lives on his own. He told me he wanted to participate in the #Monomad Challenge. 😅


    He's not a model who's interested in posing either... take it or leave it, he said with authority and a low hissing sound tempered by the mask he was wearing.


    I understood that it didn't matter if he walked at ease between the speeding cars, he simply had a quality of being and not being at the same time.

    Several times I put my hands on my head and stopped shooting. I'm not used to seeing someone invisible.




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