Let the games begin!

in voilk •  3 months ago


    It's honestly a bit hard to believe that we are just a couple of months away from the start of the Summer Olympics. The Summer games always bring to mind a few unrelated things for me. First, it means we are in a leap year which has already passed us by. Second, it means we are in an election year here in the US as well. Something that no one really looks forward to no matter what they tell you.

    Okay, I take that back. Republicans are probably happy this year because they think they are going to oust the Democrat president. Likewise, they opposite is true in years when there is a Republican president. It's a ridiculous mess.

    However, for a few short weeks before our TV's are inundated with political ads, news, and commentary, we get to watch some athletes perform some amazing feats in the name of their country.

    Personally, I've become a bit disillusioned with the Olympic games over the years. It's not so much the constant doping scandals that keep popping up (although those are definitely bad). It's more the corruption and greed that takes place at the selection committee level. I also have a hard time justifying all of these sub standard buildings being quickly constructed at an undisclosed cost (could be a lot, could be a little), that eventually end up vacant and stagnant.

    Even so, come July 26th, like most the world, I will likely be trying to catch some of the events.

    Did you know there are 45 events in the Summer Olympics this year? Actually more than that if you separate them up by gender. Plus the fact that they kind of lump softball and baseball together even though they are different sports.

    I was going through the list of events today and I was actually shocked to read some of them. I never in a million years would have guessed that "Breaking" was an Olympic sport. That's right, break dancing is an event in the Paris Summer Olympics. Would you have guessed that?

    It shouldn't be too surprising that handball is in the Olympics. I think it has been forever. Is it really that big of a deal though? I remember playing it back in elementary school, but then it just kind of slipped my mind. Is there really a country where competitive handball is the big thing?

    You tell me, I seriously don't know!

    I also notice hockey is in the list of events. That confused me a little because I immediately thought they were talking about ice hockey. I guess "ice" is the operative word because this is field hockey. Odd that they wouldn't just throw the word "field" in there to help avoid any confusion.

    If I had to pick a handful of events from this year that I am definitely going to try and watch, softball will for sure be in the list as well as volleyball (both beach and indoor). I'd also like to try and catch some of the rugby games even though I have zero clue what is going on.

    I don't know much about the geography around Paris, but I am a bit curious to see where they plan on holding the surfing events.

    Skateboarding and diving are always fun to watch and I think watching the track and field as well as the swimming events is pretty much mandatory if you are talking about the Olympic games.

    Do you find it a bit odd that Lacrosse isn't an Olympic sport?

    Maybe it's just me.

    What events are you looking forward to this Summer? Are there any that you absolutely can't miss?

    Let me know in the comments so I can put them on my radar too!


    Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


    All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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