Here The Sub-Elements of Water In The Avatar.

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Waterbending in the avatar is one of the best and finest element, it has the healing ability, the ability to give life and the ability to also destroy. Here are the sub-elements of water in the animation.

    waterbending_final_list_by_moptop4000_de1lz7a-pre.jpgSOURCE OF IMAGE

    Icebending- Can use by Katara, Avatar Kyoshi, Avatar Korra, Pakku every waterbenders

    Snowbending- Every Waterbenders too

    Vinebending- Use by Katara, Avatar Korra, and the rest of the Foggy Swamp Water Tribe

    Blood freezing- Use by Avatar Kyoshi (Kyoshi Novels)

    Bloobending- Use by Yakone, and his family before him, Noatak, Tarrlok, Katara, Hama

    Steam bending- Use by Avatar Aang Katara, and other water benders during the day of the black sun

    Paintbending- Every Waterbenders can do this

    Spiritbending- created by Maikittuq used by Unalaq, Avatar Korra

    Cloudbending- Ever Waterbenders can do this

    Mudbending- Same as other every Waterbenders can do it

    Mistbending- Use by Avatar Korra, Katara Waterbenders can also do this one

    Blood Healing- Use by Atuat( Kyoshi Novels) Atuat can lower the temperature of water of a person inside their bodies to sustain people's lives

    Healing- Use by Avatar Kyoshi, Avatar Yangchen, Avatar Korra, Atuat, Katara, Kya

    Humidity Manipulation/Condensation- Use by Avatar Korra, Katara, Hama

    Psychic Waterbending /- Use by Ming Hua?
    Psychic Bloodbending- Use by Yakone and Amon

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