Happy Birthday, Rising Star! <--> Rising Star Packs Opening & Giveaway #251 (Win NFTs)

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Welcome to the Rising Star Packs Opening and Giveaway video! Rising Star game is celebrating its 4th birthday and it is doing it with a BANG!!! With a couple of huge news around the things that are implemented in the game and things that are coming soon! Great to see all the new things!

    If you want to check out for more details about the new Limited Edition Champagne card, the completely new PRO MODE in the game, and an announcement of future developments, you have to check out the official post that you can find here... As this is "only" an opening pack video, I will not go deeper into the topic, but I will maybe do it in my news video in a few days... The important thing to know is that the limited card is time-sensitive, so if you want to grab it, do it ASAP!

    Regarding the stuff that I'm doing, I have continued my shopping spree and packs opening as usual... The best way to grow your account (or anything else) is to be consistent... While I was checking the new Champagne card, I noticed that I'm still missing some NFTs from April's mint, so that's my next goal to reach! To get them all!

    I have opened 24 packs as usual, and got 2 EPICs which is awesome! I wasn't lucky with Mr. Fluffs's card, but I will still have a chance to get some as the mission will run about 1 week more!

    Don't forget to check the giveaway inside the video... The rules are easy, you check the video, find the pack from which you have to choose ONE card, and put the name of that card in the comment section! The lucky winner will be chosen by a random picker inside the NEXT Rising Star video!

    Check out the video for more details!

    If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here

    Thanks for watching!

    Music by: Heyson .:. Royale


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