Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

in voilk β€’Β  4 months ago

    ✨ πŸ• 🎲 πŸ•Έ Equal Opportunity πŸ•Έ 🎲 πŸ• ✨

    Hello there hive-peeps, I hope you are all doing well now. For todays @splinterlands content I'm going to share with perfect recipe to win in an Equal Opportunity Rules Battle. This battle happens this morning against @bitchface24? What a name Bruh.. This is a quick battle I'm just happy with the results coz my plan was so flawless.



    Set of Rules

    In this battle we have 2 rules the first one is the "IV" only four monster cards can be used, the other one is the theme of our Battle Mage Secret of the week " Equal Opportunity" it gives all the monster card to attack the monster with lowest life count. With 33 Mana Count and the only splinter can be use are Fire, Life, Death, and Dragon.


    Team I Build:

    My chosen splinter is Quix of course my favorite summoner of all, why did I choose this guy? the purpose is to call the mighty Titan who's in the first spot.


    Carnage Titan, hard melee tank with Double Strike Skill this guy is very useful in every situation.


    On the second spot is the great sacrifice of all time Venari Marksrat. With Martyr ability I put this guy in between of my two main monster card so if it get eliminated the Martyr Ability will give plus 1 stat to my two main monster.


    Next is the Harklaw secondary Tank incase some poisonous monster appear from the opposite side!! With the Shield/ Immunity and Demoralize ability, this legendary monster is a good pick!!


    Last but not the least the Disintegrator. In a ruleset like this you should pick this guy, he is also a very useful special when he reach this level.



    Now Let the Battle Begin, Below I put a battle replay from my youtube channel.

    Battle Link

    The weakness I see in the team that I have built is if my opponent use the same tactics that I used it maybe a good battle, he use too much range monster which have low health counts and easy to kill, in Equal Opportunity rules when your going to use low health monster cards it should have Camouflage Ability or some useful sacrifice, like my Marksrat HAHAHA!! I Hope you learn something from this tactics that I used, see you in the next post, Good Bye πŸ˜™..


    Join the Battle, My Referral Link


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