Mother's Love

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Why Are Mothers So Much Loved By Their Children?

    This has been a question I’ve heard people ask quite often.

    Growing up, I have witnessed the importance of both a mother and a father. They each play different roles in a family. In a family where there is no mother, the void will be deeply felt. The same applies to the absence of a father.
    But I have noticed that people, especially guys, tend to prioritize their mothers more than their fathers. They don't joke with their mum. In fact, if you want to motivate a guy, remind him of his mother's efforts or the suffering she's going through, not even his father. Sometimes, it makes me wonder if fathers are not living up to their expectations.

    A friend, Bola, once said that if she gives her mom 30 million naira, 1 million naira will go to her father. You can imagine the gap.

    It is true that some families often face issues after childbirth, which sometimes leads to divorce. In most cases, the woman goes with the baby, especially if the baby is still tender, to look after the child in terms of feeding, bathing, petting, and so on until the child grows. Of course, the man sometimes provides monetary support, either according to tradition or by law.

    Could this be the reason why guys prioritize their mothers much more than their fathers? Let me know in the comment section below.

    There’s a quote that says, "A mother’s arms are the most comforting place for a child."

    Here are some thoughts people have shared on this.

    KCNATH: For me I love both parents but I'll say I love my mum more. Mum and dad hustle coz they are business people, they return late at night so I'll sadly say that we lacked that parental relationship. But never the less, my mum cares more.
    Despite dad been a businessman he keep scaring us a way to go to our mother that he don't have money. He kept saying this to us especially since my secondary school. Mum despite she doesn't have will try her best to give us the best. She borrows money or join money contribution saving groups and when it get her turn she collects the money to save us. Sometimes she borrows money to save us but father don't always claims he don't have and we always feel abandoned by him. He's rarely at home, too harsh or don't take responsibility.
    God bless mothers who make efforts to train their children.
    My mother was the only one who trained 4 of us. I've followed her to shop and most times see how bad market is but yet she can borrow money to cook good meal for us and pay our bills, buy Christmas clothes, give us money to barb etc even she's the one supporting my tertiary education. Mumsi na God go bless u.
    And who told some of u that fathers are not manipulative too. He's tried to make us hate mum but we are no kids.

    Topatee: Because you ask me, I will tell my little story.When I was younger I thought my Dad was the most wicked man living, he always wack my bum and my mum was the most loving, maybe because I was her lastborn, but unfortunately due to my rambunctious attitude, I had an accident and almost lost my left leg, the mark is still obvious today, due to that, I lost the opportunity to represent Nigeria at the 100m dash.It was after I had my kids that I began to realise the pain father's goes through to raise responsible adults, so everytime I have the opportunity, I always tell my kids, my story. So you see my dad was not mean, he saw the handwriting on the wall. It pained him of my lost opportunities but it is me who is living with the regrets. I hope a lot of us bashing out at Dads on the forum will think deep. Finally, responsible Dad goes through a lot of stress in life not for themselves but to provide for their family, most mothers acknowledge this and that's why well brought up mothers stick with the Fathers no matter what, The crisis in our world today is because of absentee fathers. Someone jokingly ask at a wedding, when great grandmother and Grandma was called to the podium, "where are the Grandpa's gone. We fight it out in the outside world and still come back home to fight it out on the bed. God bless Fathers.

    Zomby: The bond that is established during the 9 months our mothers spent to carry us is unmatchable.
    This is why it is a natural thing for kids to automatically favor their moms much more than their dads.
    Some kids are able to balance the love between their parents, but 90% of the time the moms get the most love.
    And dads should completely understand and maintain their position…It is not a big deal.

    In a family, there’s no doubt that fathers are stricter, they tend to appear more serious, they discipline any act of irresponsibility and bad behavior, and they give no room for weakness. They push you hard to bring out the best in you. They work tirelessly to put food on the table, build a house for the family, pay school fees, and cover rent. Little do we understand their efforts until we are fully grown and wish to train our children in the same way.

    If Only A Child Truly Knew What A Father Goes Through

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