RNG In Our Side Slow Attack Not Always Bad - FabFour Ruleset

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello everyone, how are you? I hope all have a great weekend. Today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is FabFour ruleset.

    I play in the Modern Format Diamond League, using my scholar account from Balthazar I only use cheap cards like Chaos, Reward, and some Neutral.

    Battle Link

    If you want to watch the Battle Link
    Video link:


    • Broken Arrow, monsters with range attack can't be used in this battle.
    • Explosive Weaponry, all monsters have blast ability.
      • Blast ability, does additional damage to Monsters adjacent to the target Monster.
    • FabFour, up to four units can be used in this battle.
    • mana cap.
    • can use elements Fire, Earth and Death.

    My Lineup and strategy

    Based on the elements that can be used and also the Broken Arrow ruleset, we can focus on magic and melee attacks only. So we decided to use the Earth element whose summoner can reduce damage from magic attacks. Because we can only use 4 monsters, we will use the core formation of the Earth element which is widely used in battles that use the Earth element. This formation is usually always used when there is enough mana in the battle, and if there is excess mana then other attacking monsters will be added to strengthen the existing formation.

    This is my lineup :

    Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
    Immortalis, Summoner. Can decrease all enemy monsters' HP by -1. Have Void, and Shatter abilitiesWe use this summoner because having Void ability can decrease the enemy magic attack by 50% so we can focus to handle the melee damage, Shatter ability will destroy all armor from the monster we hit with only 1 attack.
    Mycelic Infantri, 1st position, attacker and tanker. It has the ability Shield,Giant Killer, and Enrage.Put this here as a main tanker because it has Shield ability which will decrease the enemy melee damage by 50%. Besides negative status like Poison, stun, cripple, etc, only weakness is the magic attack but because of the summoner Immortalist, this monster now can decrease the damage of all attacks by 50%. Giant Killer ability will make double damage if it attacks a monster with 10 or more mana costs. This monster has slow speed with great damage especially when the HP decreases and activates the Enrage ability, which boosts the damage and speed of the melee monster.
    Goblin Psychic, 2nd position, attacker and support. Have abilities Heal, Affliction, and Silence.This monster has many good support abilities, but the speed is only 1 easy to die when attacked by the enemy, so I put it in this position to make sure it's safe from the front and back attack, at least for a while. This monster can heal our tanker monster in the front. The Silence ability will decrease all enemy magic damage by -1. The Affliction ability effect has a 50% chance to inflict upon attack on the enemy monster, when the enemy monster gets Affliction status it can't be healed again.
    Queen Mycelia, 3rd position, attacker and support. Have Protect, Amplify, Triage, and Rust abilitiesSame as Goblin Psychic, this monster is weak and has low speed, damage, and HP so easy to kill but has great support ability. Protect ability will increase all friendly monster armor by +2. Amplify ability same as the Up to Eleven ruleset in this battle. The Triage ability will heal the monster with the most decreased HP who is not in the first position. Rust will decrease all enemy armor by -2. Put in behind Goblin Psychic cause has low stats.
    Mycelic Slipspawn, 4th position, attacker and tanker. Have Taunt, Forcefield, and Slow abilitiesWe use this monster because of the Taunt ability, all enemy units will attack this monster if they can. The Forcefield ability will decrease all damage from the monster who has 5 or more damage to become only 1 damage. This monster has Slow ability which decreases all enemy speed by -1.

    Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

    Did your Strategy Work?

    Yes, the strategy went well, the enemy also used the same elements and summoners as us, only they had different monster units from our formation, where Queen Mycelia was replaced by the enemy with Suidae Shaman so it can be seen in the picture on that our side has greater armor than the enemy (Mycelic Infantry). Because the enemy does not have the abilityProtect. Even though in the end it was the same as 1 blow destroying the armor.

    In this battle, we were luckier, because the enemy's Mycelic Infantry monster first attacked our Mycelic Infantry monster so that the Enrage effect was successfully activated. When it hit back the damage was greater than the enemy's initial blow. :

    This causes the enemy's Mycelic Infantry to die first with a difference of 1 HP:

    After the enemy tanker dies it's easy to kill the enemy behind.

    Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

    If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code https://splinterlands.com?ref=poplar-22 to join.


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