Don't grow up too fast

in voilk •  19 days ago

    What I'm about to write here today, is something I wish I knew as a kid, something I never hesitate to tell any little kids around me that cares to listen.

    photo by Bruno Aguirre

    When I first gained admission into the university, I used to have this friend who would always lie about her age. She was twenty years old at the time but would always claim to be 24 or 25 because she didn't want anyone looking at her like she was a kid.

    I knew her real age (I had seen it on one of her school document) but I had promised her that I wouldn't tell anyone because it was none of my business and I really didn't care.

    Fast forward to five years later, I was on the phone with her few days ago and she had reminded me about back in the day when she used to lie about her age and how she now was reducing her age because twenty-five seems too old for her. When I heard her say this, I had a flashback about my childhood.

    You see, I grew up mostly around my elder brother's friends and although it made me a lot more matured for my age, it also sort of denied me of some part of my childhood.

    I saw myself not doing certain things kids my age were doing because I knew it wasn't cool, or at least that was what the older kids said. And don't get me wrong, it was fun while it lasted because if there's one thing the older folks liked, it's a kid behaving too matured for his age.

    So I would always get applauded by them whenever I acted matured and it felt good for a while, but now that I'm looking back at the whole thing, I feel that I should have allowed myself be a kid and just let time and nature take its cause because I was never going to be a kid forever. Just like my friend, I now was regretting growing up too fast.

    You see, I've come to understand that there's time for everything and that sometimes, we just have to let things play out the way they should, without trying to force things. If you're a kid, there's nothing wrong with you acting as one because at the end of the day, the best time of your life was when when you were a kid because as an adult, the only thing here is bills and responsibilities.

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