Reflecting On My Country Societal Improvement And Development

in voilk •  3 months ago

    This Local part of Nigeria Lagos is one of the most worst place to live in. Life in the city is of so many fun and unforgettable experience. Lagos is regarded as the number one richest City in Africa and also the smallest City and state in Nigeria, But where there is love and enjoyment there is also pain and suffering.

    We all have our struggles and our moment of hoping for the right time and place but Lagos is like a place of excellence, you will always find what you are looking for, job business, assistance and all.

    From My experience in Lagos state, being the richest city I will say poverty is as a result of opportunities lost out of ignorance. Every Struggling Man or poor man always have a story to tell on how they were living comfortably and suddenly Lost everything. My Reasons for describing things like this is that I have seen men from orphanage or less privileged homes like this rise up to feet without even support or guidance. 80% of men living in this areas where not born here but conditions and life struggles made them like this.

    Although the Government also have a vital role to play in helping the people and the community and it’s environs by providing for the majority and minority at large including By;

    • creation of work opportunities

    • construction of Goods roads

    • provisiona of social amenities like power water and other necessities the community.

    • creation of sanitation bodies to help clean the earth from plastic and pollutions.

    • Repair of Bridges and street lights.

    -creation of local house for the less privileges

    Below is a picture of My Street Nigeria Lagos Bariga

    My Vicinity Bariga I know in Lagos to be one of the most struggling areas in Lagos state in terms of opportunities and governments revenue maintenance. Although bariga has its local city, which includes where I stay, Pedro Bariga.

    Here is are the pictures of my local area in Pedro bariga and my opinions about them.



    Here, we have a weak bridge where cars and truck passes, which can be dangerous, the federal government and the local governments have a major role to play in the reconstruction or maintenance of this bridge. Although I had they had submitted a letter for repair at the governments table but yet no changes.



    This gate construction is shockingly surprising, and I was told it was constructed by the local government. This construction looks like the Local governor did not pay the contractor finish. Imagine there was an invasion of thief in the community, this particular street cannot be safe. This situation the community can join hands together to repair this for a better and safe street since the local government awareness is still in process as the street security can be dangerous if left like this




    Looking at this picture, this are one of the dangers of the community. People carelessly throw waste and used plastic in this drainage, which can cause blockage on the flow of water. The government and the educated in the society should create awareness and organize sanitary body or provide revenue to cleaning and maintaining of this Canal. They should be aware that throw or pouring of waste materials or products can cause blockage to the canal which can be cause flooding or blockage in the community.



    People living in the houses are families or individuals that can not afford to pay a house rent in the area, so they just go improvising a wooden house and a plate to cover. The Government and the society can help by providing work opportunities and helping through finances.

    This aspect is one of my greatest Dream which involves helping the less privilege. I have always have passion and pity for men living like this. And I hope I fulfill it all soon.

    Help your neighbor
    Help your friends
    Help your community
    This is how we grow our country together.

    This is My Entry to the #Inleo #Aprilinloe Day 25. You can participate in the #inleo through #leogrowth and following the April Inleo Calendar

    Thank You for Reading
    Your sincerely

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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