Admitting To Screen Addiction & Possible Solution

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I just read in one of the entries title that many would not want to admit to being addicted to the screen and I agree with him because it took a while before I actually realized what I do mostly is becoming an addiction for me. So yeah, I'm admitting to screen addiction, how do I know I'm addicted?

    My phone is the first thing I look at when I wake up, the last thing before I sleep at night and I spend my day using that same phone.


    Just before I started writing this post, I laughed at myself reconfirming my screen addiction. I woke up very early this morning and rushed my phone to see if there was still time to get my post ready before I start the day, it's funny how I do this even unconsciously before I realize it.

    To be honest, I am admitting to this addiction because I have been getting benefits from being addicted in the aspect of growing my knowledge, building wealth and connecting with friends and the world. These benefits are awesome but sadly, there are the bad effects that I've been failing to acknowledge and work on this addiction.

    I can't say I've been trying to get rid of this addiction, I just reduce the time I spend on my gadgets for sometime then go back to it again to continue like I didn't take a break before. It's a hard one to get rid of as my daily work routine involves the use of it much regularly.

    But I could control it and have better use of my time rather than spending all on my phone. On the days when I don't take breaks, I get side effects that reminds me to stop but instead of stopping, I just take a short break and resume again.

    Eye pains, not seeing properly sometimes, headache and sometimes feeling weak and fall sick easily, all these are symptoms that reminds me of my addiction to find a way out. After a memorable experience regarding this, I've been more intentional on how much time I spend on my screen.


    Usually, I'd spend the whole day on my phone if there was battery and time for me to do so but now, I spend only the time I need to get things done and I do other things that doesn't require using the screen. It's not an easy resolution but it has helped me a bit. Here are some ways I go about reducing my screen time.

    • Reducing the screen brightness of my gadgets helps me use the screen a bit more comfortable to get what I have to do done faster.

    • Setting deadlines, alarms and invisible process to get things done faster. This helps me not to spend too much time on my phone setting things up.

    • Taking breaks more often especially having my eyes closed and rested. My eyes are mainly affected when I use the screen too much and I've read that it could affect the brain too, so take more breaks.

    There are other little insignificant but significant actions I take to help reduce my screen time but I'll stop here and read more ways from others to help in fighting this addiction. Hopefully, this addiction won't become something worse and I'll be to minimise my use of it.

    First image designed with canva

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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