How cybercrime is happening in the cryptocurrency investment trap!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Cryptocurrencies are not relatively new but they have become popular day by day. However, people are constantly joining it in the hope of extra profit and some people fall into extra greed. However, new scams or hacks are emerging around this digital resource. Recently, such a search was made by a cyber security company. This cyber security company is originally known as Sophos. The organization conducted a study on scams and found out how cybercriminals are indulging in various types of crimes by selling special kits or tools on the dark web.


    However, a new scam called pig butchering has been added to it. And through such scams, cybercriminals are running cryptocurrency frauds. These types of cyber crimes are not confined to a specific border but day by day it is seen that these cyber crimes are growing in business model across the world. According to Sophos' report titled 'Cryptocurrency Scams Metastasize Into New Forms', activities like pig butchering scams or crimes are carried out by cybercriminals.

    And the organization's findings reveal details of such new methods in its report. And these new kits are made by a criminal gang in China. And these criminal gangs are a new criminal gang coming to the dark web. And some technical components based in China provide such kits. A special pig butchering scam called 'DEFI Savings' has supplied these new kits. And such DEFIs are constantly being created in the market. In particular, these types of scans are created primarily through investment opportunity traps. People who have no idea about crypto are especially victims of such parrot scams.It is also very true that there are many investors who are constantly getting involved in the digital currency market after hearing about the profit from a person or friend or social media. People who don't have a good idea about this digital currency, rather they are constantly involved in these markets because of extra greed and hope of extra profit. There are also many investors who connect crypto wallets to a 'brokerage account', mainly hoping to get a good amount of interest from the investment. Frankly, these investors are being cheated the most. It is very true that those connecting to brokerage accounts actually have their crypto wallets linked to a fake cryptocurrency trading pool. And that's when fraudsters steal the money from that crypto wallet.

    These crimes have been taking place for the past few years. Sophos has been investigating pig butchering scams for the past two years. Most of these crimes are committed against new investors. Due to their lack of digital knowledge, cybercriminals exploit this vulnerability to commit such crimes. However, this information comes from a recent search by Sophos. Even the people involved in crypto fraud these days are updating themselves and making themselves proficient by overcoming their previous technological limitations. As a result, their rate of using techniques to steal from victims has also decreased. These fraudsters do this by using different tactics and they are mainly able to fake crypto trading through known cryptocurrency applications. In fact, these scammers are digitalizing themselves in such a way that the scammers are able to hide the wallet network or the stolen money and make it difficult to track them.

    These money laundering crimes are also committed through various social media. As we are on various social media like Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking site such tolo bon information is available from time to time. So we must be careful from information or temptations from different social media and if it is from strangers then we have to be more careful. Even now these criminals are organized through different social applications including whatsapp telegram. So one needs to consider carefully before including them and be careful as well. Because many scammers are deceiving common people through various applications including whatsapp telegram. Moreover, these fraud circles are setting up new fraud traps. Even if many fraudsters start investing or talking about NFTs or cryptos, one must be aware of this.

    You will often see how to get rich quickly on various social media especially Facebook or how those people are making hundreds of times profit in a short period of time in the exchanges. So we must be more aware of such individuals or groups or organizations that promise 'get rich quick' schemes or big returns in a short period of time. If you think you've been a victim of a pig butchering scam. So we must be aware beforehand. And also if you realize that you are a victim of such fraud then withdraw the money from the crypto wallet as soon as possible. And with that you take the help of the law. However if you want to know details then you can read this news.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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