Theatre and spotlights

in voilk •  3 months ago

    The sun cast a golden hue upon the surface with the gentle evening breeze blowing the available trees nearby in a side-to-side motion. The sun was about to set for the day but the golden cast remained as beautiful.
    This image
    The street was busy with each store in their best act and service since it was the weekend. The jams from Beastie Boys, Dr Dre, Natalie Imbruglia, and Underworld played and bubbled at different corners with the loud honking sounds of car horns intertwined with it.

    On one side, people walked on each sidewalk, riding bicycles and running like they were getting late for their appointments.

    It was indeed a busy evening.

    While the sun was still in its glory before finally setting for the day, Frederick zoomed in front of the theatre in his Lotus Elan M100 with "The Sign" by "Ace of Base" blaring in his car.

    As he stopped the car engine, causing the blaring music to stop, he looked in his rearview before downing a reasonable amount of liquor.

    Frederick then stepped out of the car, dressed in baggy jeans that were complemented with higher-top sneakers that matched his plaid shirt that was worn open and layered over a t-shirt. He had enormous gold chains around his neck like a pop star but he took off his hat before walking into the theatre.

    As Frederick got in, he saw tons of his fellow theatre enthusiasts rehearsing their takes and the atmosphere in there made him realize he was down for this.

    He was a free-spirited and creative soul who found his passion for the stage and theatre scenes. He had a love for alternative music, grunge fashion, and the rebellious spirit that defined the era.

    He looked around for his group and there, he saw Jake and the rest. We hurried over to them and after greeting and exchanging the necessary pleasantries, Jake and Frederick stepped aside.

    “Wassup, man,” Jake started and they did their handshake. “You were late,”

    “I was torn between life and death,” Fred answered.

    Jake looked around the bush theatre before looking back at Frederick and whispering to him. “You were nabbed?”

    “The cops? Hell nah! Bro, I was on a different type of shit.”

    “Put me on, Fred,” Jake giggled, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.


    “What’sup with Anna?” Jake frowned.

    “Anna is fucking pregnant, man!”

    “What?” for who? You?”

    “To be fair, Jake. I was the only man Anna had seen for years now,” Frederick defended.

    “Oh, come on, bro. How were you not so careful?”

    “Man, I have no idea. I have been in that since last night and liquor was the only thing that helped me out of that phase.”

    “Bro, liquor did no shit as help you out of any typa phase. You still facing it with clear eyes!”

    “I know right? Imma be doomed if the director catches up on this!” Frederick said with his hands buried in his pockets

    “That’s a direct passage out of the theatre group and out of the theatre in general,” Jake retorted and they both let out a deep sigh as they both seemed lost in thoughts.

    “Shit!” Jake exclaimed out of nowhere.


    “Our theatre group is putting a play together and you’re the lead character!”

    “What? When was this?” Fred expressed his utmost shock.

    “That was what we were discussing before you walked in. The whole group including the director was in full support of your role,”

    “I mean, that's cool. That’s totally fine for me but I can’t be available next week,”

    “Man, you have to. As it is, you have to attend every rehearsal without default. You can’t even be late,”

    Frederick rested his hands on his waist, lost in thoughts when he was brought back to reality by the director who called his name.

    “Hey, Director!” Frederick feigned a smile.

    “I guess Jake has briefed you on the new drama,” the director said.

    “Yes, I have,”

    “Good. This is a whole different one. You can’t afford to miss out on any rehearsal or get involved in any misdeeds or you’re out!” the director warned. Jake and Frederick looked at each other’s faces and back at the director before they both nodded.

    The rest of the week went by with rehearsals upon rehearsals and while Frederick was breaking Anna’s heart without being available for her, he remained diligent for the rehearsal.

    The day of drama came and Anna hid his car keys. They got into a fight but Frederick found out he was running late so he rushed out of the house and went in a taxi instead.

    As he got into the theatre, he checked his time and he was only a few minutes late but the drama started without him. The whole place was filled with important people and outsiders who had paid for the ticket.

    Frederick looked around for the director and in a corner, he saw him instructing another member of the group before they went on stage but what struck him most was that Jake was standing on the stage playing his role.

    “Hey, director,” Frederick said as he walked over to the director.

    “You are out of the group. Your acting career here in the theatre is over!” was all he said before walking out angrily on Frederick.

    Frederick stood struck and speechless but decided to wait for Jake to step down from the stage.

    A few minutes passed and Jake got down from the stage.

    “Hey, man. What’s going on?” Frederick immediately asked.

    “I’m sorry. I really wanted the lead role so I told the director about Anna,”

    “What? You asshole!” Frederick moved closer to him, holding him by his shirt. Jake yanked his hands off him.

    “I’m sorry!” Jake said again but a stain of mocking smile was across his lips as he walked away, leaving Jake speechless and filled with a feeling of betrayal.

    This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for the month of April. The topic is "TV shows, 90s and 80s, Theatre". You can join here. This is the calendar


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