My Actifit Report Card: March 5 2024 😫 Morning Trouble / 朝のトラブル

in voilk •  5 months ago



    At the elementary school where my son attends, there is a rule that all children must come to school in a group in the morning. In addition, one of the parents is supposed to be on duty to chaperone the children, and we are reminded not to allow the children to come to school alone. I created a schedule for the chaperone duty and sent it out on line every few months; the schedule for the third semester was already sent out last December, and the parents in the group were on duty according to that calendar.

    But this morning, my son, who was supposed to have gone to the gathering place, came back after the departure time. He said, "Mom, who is on duty today?". Apparently, the parent or guardian on duty did not show up when it was time to leave. According to the rules, the children cannot go without an adult. I had no choice but to run out of the house and accompany the children myself...I couldn't let the children be late.

    The children did not seem to be aware of our late departure and were walking leisurely as usual, which made me impatient. However, I managed to get them through the school gate without being late.

    When I got home, I sent a message to the person who had been assigned to duty today that I had been substituted. She was the one who had asked me about morning chaperone duty in the middle of last month. She asked if she could have her assignment be on the once-a-month class visit day, since it was difficult for her to be on duty on weekday mornings due to her job. Since it seemed to be adjustable, I had replied, "Then, starting next school year, you will be on duty on the day of class visits," I had replied.

    As soon as I sent the message, she called me. She said, "Was I on duty today? I thought for sure it was the day of the class visit". Hmmm, I must have specified in my message that I would be " from next school year". Moreover, this month's class visit was already over last week, and someone else is on duty that day. Not her. I couldn't figure out why she thought she didn't have to be on duty today. I reiterated on that phone call that the change would be " from next year" and asked if she could be on duty tomorrow and the day after tomorrow (duty is for 3 days in a row). Then she said she could do it tomorrow, but not the day after tomorrow... Then I would have to do it.

    My morning chaperone had already taken about 2,000 steps. Frustrated that I had two more days of chaperone duty, including today, so I decided to continue walking. I hoped it would be a refreshing change of pace.

    As I walked, I wondered how this had happened. I looked back at the message screen and saw that her request was brought up just as the group was talking about the next school year. So I took it as a discussion about next year... but I guess she didn't.

    If I looked closely, I saw that in that conversation I had written " From next year", twice. Her duty had already been assigned to March, so I sent the message "the change will start next year" as a reminder so that she wouldn't skip it. But now that I think about it, I should have written something like, "Please keep the March duty as it is". If I had done that, this misunderstanding would not have happened....

    The additional 3,000 or so steps I walked around the neighborhood revealed the problem this time. The weather today is not much better, with a cold rain shower this afternoon. I am glad I was able to walk in the morning.



    しかし今朝、出発の時間を過ぎてから集合場所に行ったはずの長男が戻ってきたのです。「母さん、今日の旗当番だれ?!」どうやら、当番の保護者が出発時間になっても現れなかったようなのです。ルール上、大人がいなければ子どもたちは出発することができません。仕方がないので、家を飛び出して私が付き添うことにしました… 化粧もしてないし、変なあったかズボンを穿いたし、イヤだったのですが、全員遅刻させるわけにもいかないし。



    私がLINEを送るとすぐに電話が掛かってきて、「今日、私だったんですか?てっきり授業参観の日だと思っていました」と言います。うーん、私LINEで「来年度から」って書いたんだけどな。しかも今月の授業参観はもう先週終わっていて、その日は別の方が当番をしてくれています。彼女ではなく。なぜ、今月の当番をしなくてよいと思ったのか・・・その電話で変更は「来年度から」である旨を再度伝え、明日・明後日の当番が可能かを確認しました(当番は3日間連続です)。すると明日はできるが、明後日は無理とのこと… そうなると、私がやるしかありません。






    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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